1. 程式人生 > >Plan, Deploy, and Optimize your Cloud Solutions

Plan, Deploy, and Optimize your Cloud Solutions

Your designated Technical Account Manager (TAM) is your primary point of contact who provides guidance, architectural review, and ongoing communication to keep you informed and well prepared as you plan, deploy, and proactively optimize your solutions. As the cornerstone of the Enterprise Support plan, your TAM serves as your guide and advocate, focused on delivering the right resources to support the success and ongoing operational health of your AWS infrastructure.

  • A dedicated voice within AWS to serve as your technical point of contact and advocate
  • Proactive guidance and best practices to help optimize your AWS environment
  • Orchestration and access to the breadth and depth of technical expertise across the full range of AWS


Plan, Deploy, and Optimize your Cloud Solutions

Your designated Technical Account Manager (TAM) is your primary point of contact who provides guidance, architectural review, and ongoin

How to Add AI Solutions to Your Cloud Service Offerings

If you already provide data storage, analytics, security and other services as part of your cloud offerings, integrating Artificial Intelligence or AI can

Please verify that your device’s clock is properly set, and that your signing certificate is not exp

general erl ria properly ear pop one 一種可能 -c 真機調試的時候出現此類警告,之前也遇到過,但是一直沒總結,今天總結一下 出現這樣的問題大概有幾個解決方法: 1.最簡單的一種----假設你的證書是近期才申請的沒什麽問題。或者說前幾

Setting up Storm and Running Your First Topology

oms yam org scratch connect tput mode don cep http://www.haroldnguyen.com/blog/2015/01/setting-up-storm-and-running-your-first-topology/

轉載 -- How To Optimize Your Site With GZIP Compression

// 下面這篇文章講的非常不錯,看完了 https://betterexplained.com/articles/how-to-optimize-your-site-with-gzip-compression/   // Content-Encoding, 定義 fr

轉載 -- How To Optimize Your Site With HTTP Caching

https://betterexplained.com/articles/how-to-optimize-your-site-with-http-caching/   // Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters // 下面

On SDK version 23 and up, your app data will be automatically backed up and restored on app install.

導致這樣的問題是你的menifest檔案中的application 中android:allowBackup=“true”; allowBackup安全風險描述: Android API Level 8及其以上Android系統提供了為應用程式資料的備份和恢復功能,此功能的開關決定於該應

Android App To Record And Share Your Important Thoughts

Today, am happy to introduce to you my newest android application : Quotes! In a nutshell, this android app helps you record your deepest, perhaps mos

Risk, failure, and living your life: The economics of being an early

At the end of each weekday, doctoral student Ryan Hill travels from his office in the MIT Department of Economics to his residence at the west end of campu

How to block unproductive websites and boost your productivity using JavaScript

Tired of wasting your time on various unproductive websites? Why not make a script which would help you limit the time you spend on these websites?Does thi

Don’t miss the chance to deploy AI in your customer service applications

Customer service is one of the most exposed parts of an organization’s corporate image. Delivering a great customer experi

Analyze and visualize your VPC network traffic using Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Athena

Network log analysis is a common practice in many organizations.  By capturing and analyzing network logs, you can learn how devices on your netwo

Paul Krugman on Politics, Inequality, and Following Your Curiosity (Ep. 51)

Paul Krugman on Politics, Inequality, and Following Your Curiosity (Ep. 51)After winning the Nobel, Paul Krugman found himself at the “end of ambition,” wi

How to Completely Optimize Your Facebook Page

Facebook is the most popular social media platform used by businesses. Facebook Pages help your brand or business promote and share its value-add and to as

Ask HN: What was the most valuable and/or your favorite course in college?

Preferably aside from stuff that most CS majors would take (saying this selfishly as I'm trying to crowdsource the remainder of my curriculum)

Show HN: PipeGears is a new project that's now in beta and needs your feedback

Hi Everyone,PipeGears http://pipegears.com is new platform for creating and running Web or Mobile Application Backends and API Microservices quickly and ea

Ask HN: How do you tackle your Cloud Cost Management?

Hello Community, We are a team of engineers and product guys, that have built SaaS products in the past and got bitten too many times with cloud cost surpr

The Tech That Reads Your Mind and Sees Your Dreams

The Tech That Reads Your Mind and Sees Your Dreams“turned on red Psychic Reader neon sign” by Scott Rodgerson on UnsplashThe ability to read someone’s mind

Ask HN: How do you track and manage your (personal) investments?

With the launch of services like Robinhood, access to investment in the public markets has never been easier. If you are currently investing in anything (s

RuboCop your Ruby: enable, disable and configure your linter checks

RuboCop your Ruby: enable, disable and configure your linter checks# rubocop:enable/disable <linter check name, ...>RuboCop can be a convenient stati