.NET for Developers
Design and code. Build and test. Run and debug.
Get started building software with the AWS SDK for .NET, code samples, and documentation. Visual Studio IDE users can get started with the SDK easily using the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio. The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio is a plug-in for theVisual Studio IDE that makes it easier for developers to develop, deploy, and debug .NET applications using Amazon Web Services.
.NET for Developers
Design and code. Build and test. Run and debug. Get started building software with the AWS SDK for .NET, code samples, and documenta
WebKit for Developers
play 加速 跨平臺 open tab state ber port gui 原文:http://www.paulirish.com/2013/webkit-for-developers/ Paul Irish 大濕為我們帶來了這篇開年大作,文章深入淺出
Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Developers Amazon Web Services AWS開發者教程 Lynda課程中文字幕
Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Developers 中文字幕 Amazon Web Services AWS開發者教程 中文字幕Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Developers 亞馬遜
「Medical Image Analysis」Note on Btrfly Net for Vertebrae Labelling (椎骨標記)
[1] Btrfly Net Vertebrae Labelling with Energy-Based Adversarial Learning of Local Spine Prior MICCA
「Medical Image Analysis」Note on 3D U-JAPA-Net for Abdominal Multi-organ CT Segmentation
[1] 3D U-JAPA-Net Mixture of Convolutional Networks for Abdominal Multi-organ CT Segmentation MICCAI
Download My First Free Android App For Developers
Once in a while, you challenge yourself. Perhaps you have listened to so many people tell you that you couldn’t do it. You have read so many tutorials,
Microsoft's machine learning tools for developers get smarter
It's a big day for Microsoft today, which announced a slew of updates across virtually all of its product lines at its Ignite conference today. Unsurprisin
Facebook for Developers
We wanted to provide an update on the security attack that we announced last week. This was a serious issue and we worked fast to protect the security of p
Google Assistant offers more monetization, engagement tools for developers
Google on Wednesday introduced new tools for Google Assistant that will help developers monetize their voice-based experiences, as well as make them more p
OpenGift & Philtech Initiative contest for developers
OpenGift & Philtech Initiative contest for developersThis Saturday (13th of October), 1 pm GMT, we are going to start our seventh online hackathon! Thi
Why deep learning is an essential tool for developers
The last few years have seen amazing progress in the field of artificial intelligence. AlphaGo beat the world's Go grandmasters, a feat thought impossible.
Upgrade AWS SDK for .NET for latest TLS Protocols
If your application is using .NET Framework 3.5 or 4.5 you should update to version or later of AWSSDK.Core. This ensures you are using t
Small U-Net for vehicle detection
Model:The model we chose is is a scaled down version of a deep learning architecture called U-net. U-net is a encoder-decoder type network architecture for
The key concepts of app tracking for developers
Why do you need tracking?Some time ago, our team migrated one Android application to Material Design and introduced a FAB button following the Material Des
Important Python Frameworks for Developers in Future
(Sponsors) Get started learning Python with DataCamp's free Intro to Python tutorial. Learn Data Science by completing interactive coding challenges and
Ask HN: Chordify.net for flute notes
So you want to detect flute notes from a YouTube video? That's what Chordify does for a guitar i think.But it only managed to detect background guitar not
Lasso and Elastic Net for Sparse Signals:線性模型之套索和彈性網稀疏訊號對比
這兩個模型都是針對線性迴歸模型linear_model,區別在於使用了不同的損失函式或者不同的正則項函式 相關指數R2知識介紹 迴歸平方和+殘差平方和=總偏差平方和 殘差平方和=sum(y預測i-y觀測i)^2 總偏差平方和=sum(y觀測i
hyperledger fabric鏈碼開發(Chaincode for Developers)
What is Chaincode(什麼是鏈碼)? 鏈碼(ChainCode)是一個用GO語言編寫的實現了規定介面的程式。事實上,它也支援其他語言,比如JAVA。鏈碼(ChainCode)執行在一個安全的Docker容器中,該容器與其他的程式相隔
Super Fast Crash Course in R (for developers)
Tweet Share Share Google Plus As a developer you can pick-up R super fast. If you are already a
AWS DeepLens – Deep learning enabled video camera for developers
Learn the basics of deep learning - a machine learning technique that uses neural networks to learn and make predictions - through computer vis