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Qubole on Data Lake Foundation

You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this Quick Start reference deployment. The AWS CloudFormation templates for this Quick Start include configuration parameters that you can customize. Some of these settings, such as instance type, will affect the cost of deployment. See the pricing pages for each AWS service you will be using for cost estimates.

The Quick Start deploys QDS Business Edition, which allows you to consume up to 10,000 Qubole Compute Usage Hours (QCUH) per month at no cost. However, you are responsible for the cost of AWS resources that Qubole manages on your behalf. To learn more about QDS Business Edition, see the Qubole FAQ


After you deploy the Quick Start, you can upgrade to QDS Enterprise Edition and use Qubole Cloud Agents, which provide actionable Alerts, Insights, and Recommendations (AIR) to optimize reliability, performance, and costs. To upgrade your license to QDS Enterprise Edition, see the Enterprise Edition upgrade

webpage on the Qubole website.


Qubole on Data Lake Foundation

You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this Quick Start reference deployment. The AWS CloudFormation templat

Data Lake Foundation on AWS

This Quick Start deploys a data lake foundation that integrates various AWS Cloud services and components to help you migrate data to the AWS Clou

Machine Learning with Data Lake Foundation on AWS

The Machine Learning with Data Lake Foundation on Amazon Web Services (AWS) solution integrates with a variety of AWS services to provide a fully

Informatica Data Lake Management on AWS

This Quick Start builds a data lake environment on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud by deploying the Informatica Data Lake Management solution

Hybrid Data Lake on AWS

This Quick Start deploys a hybrid cloud environment that integrates on-premises Hadoop clusters with a data lake on the Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Data Lake on AWS with Talend

An out-of-the-box open data lake solution with AWS and Talend allows you to build, manage, and govern your cloud data lake in the AWS Cloud so tha

Predictive Data Science with Amazon SageMaker and a Data Lake on AWS

This Quick Start builds a data lake environment for building, training, and deploying machine learning (ML) models with Amazon SageMaker on the Am

Informatica Data Lake on AWS

Informatica’s intelligent data lake management solution significantly reduces the complexity of deploying and deriving value from a data lake on A

OLAP on TableStore:基於Data Lake Analytics的Serverless SQL大資料分析

開發十年,就只剩下這套架構體系了! >>>   

Survey Report on Data Skew in Big Data

range 如何 長時間 變量 延遲 過濾 gas 而且 允許 1 Introduction 信息時代產生了大量的數據,運用和使用數據已經成為一個公司乃至一個國家核心實力的重要組成部分。當代大數據一般指的是:數據量巨大,需要運用新處理模式才能具有更強的決策力、洞察力和流程優

基於Data Lake Analytics的Serverless SQL大數據分析

RoCE sch api mage base 映射 子查詢 sele fff 摘要: TableStore(簡稱OTS)是阿裏雲的一款分布式表格系統,為用戶提供schema-free的分布式表格服務。隨著越來越多用戶對OLAP有強烈的需求,我們提供在表格存儲上接入Data

Data Lake Analytics-數據分析時代迎來新變革

data lake 提升 數據存儲 img ali 都是 同時 對象 無需 摘要: 近期阿裏雲重磅推出新的數據分析引擎Data Lake Analytics,Data Lake Analytics是Serverless化的交互式聯邦查詢服務。無需ETL,使用標準SQL即可分

Data Lake Analytics的Geospatial分析函式

0. 簡介 為滿足部分客戶在雲上做Geometry資料的分析需求,阿里雲Data Lake Analytics(以下簡稱:DLA)支援多種格式的地理空間資料處理函式,符合Open Geospatial Consortium’s (OGC) OpenGIS規範,支援的常用資料格式包括: WKT W

使用Azure Data Factory 在不同的訂閱下的Azure Data Lake Store傳資料

參考:  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-lake-store/data-lake-store-service-to-service-authenticate-using-active-directory  

教程:Data Lake Analytics + OSS資料檔案格式處理大全

0. 前言 Data Lake Analytics是Serverless化的雲上互動式查詢分析服務。使用者可以使用標準的SQL語句,對儲存在OSS、TableStore上的資料無需移動,直接進行查詢分析。 目前該產品已經正式登陸阿里雲,歡迎大家申請試用,體驗更便捷的資料分析服務。請參考https://he

Data Lake Analytics + OSS資料檔案格式處理大全

0. 前言 Data Lake Analytics是Serverless化的雲上互動式查詢分析服務。使用者可以使用標準的SQL語句,對儲存在OSS、TableStore上的資料無需移動,直接進行查詢分析。 目前該產品已經正式登陸阿里雲,歡迎大家申請試用,體驗更便捷的資料分析服務。 在上一篇教程中,我們介

Data Lake Analytics + OSS數據文件格式處理大全

text tables ruby 不同的 referer bsp eip 獲得 timestamp 0. 前言 Data Lake Analytics是Serverless化的雲上交互式查詢分析服務。用戶可以使用標準的SQL語句,對存儲在OSS、TableStore上的數據

Modern Data Lake with Minio : Part 1

轉自:https://blog.minio.io/modern-data-lake-with-minio-part-1-716a49499533 Modern data lakes are now built on cloud storage, helping organizations lever

Modern Data Lake with Minio : Part 2

轉自: https://blog.minio.io/modern-data-lake-with-minio-part-2-f24fb5f82424 In the first part of this series, we saw why object storage systems like Min

Data Lake Analytics-資料分析時代迎來新變革

前言 近期阿里雲重磅推出新的資料分析引擎Data Lake Analytics,Data Lake Analytics是Serverless化的互動式聯邦查詢服務。無需ETL,使用標準SQL即可分析與整合物件儲存(OSS)、資料庫(PostgreSQL/MyS