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Troubleshoot Access Issues for Websites that Use Route 53 DNS Services

Check the website's public hosted zone resource records sets

Important: At a minimum, the public hosted zone must contain an address record (A record) for your domain.

Check if the resource records sets are publicly accessible

Check the domain name registrar's NS records

Check if your third-party domain name registrar returns the same four authoritative NS records as the domain's Route 53 public hosted zone.

Note: Skip this section if you use Route 53 as your domain name registrar.

  1. Note the four authoritative NS records for your domain in Route 53. For how to find these records, see
    Getting the Name Servers for a Public Hosted Zone
  2. Query your preferred Whois utility (domain registration lookup tool) for your website's domain name.
  3. Check if the query returns the same NS records as your domain's Route 53 public hosted zone.
  4. If the NS records don't match, update the NS records for your domain name at the registrar to the four authoritative NS records in Route 53.

Note that Route 53 doesn't respond to DNS queries for a domain until the TTL (up to 48 hours) of the previous registrar's name servers expires at the TLD level. For more information, see Making Amazon Route 53 the DNS Service for an Existing Domain.


Troubleshoot Access Issues for Websites that Use Route 53 DNS Services

Check the website's public hosted zone resource records sets Important: At a minimum, the public hosted zone must contai

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