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Migrate SSL Certificates to the US East (N.Virginia) Region

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Migrate SSL Certificates to the US East (N.Virginia) Region

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Using LetsEncrypt & Certbot to create SSL certificates

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Implement pow(x, n), which calculates x raised to the power n (xn).

Implement pow(x, n), which calculates x raised to the power n (xn). thoughts: 求一個數的power 數目, 虛擬碼如下: 如果n=0 ,返回1.否則返回1,返回的2, n=-1,返回-

Ask HN: How to find a remote client based in the US?

We have a small software development company based in Europe, about 10 developers with 5-10 years of experience in mostly fullstack product development pro

The US military wants to teach AI some basic common sense

Wherever artificial intelligence is deployed, you will find it has failed in some amusing way. Take the strange errors made by translation algorithms that

An Open Letter to Microsoft: Don’t Bid on the US Military’s Project JEDI

The authenticity of the following anonymous op-ed has been verified by Medium’s editorial staff.We joined Microsoft to create a positive impact on people a

What's it like to work (dev) in the US as a European?

I am considering moving from Europe (England) to the US. I am a Developer with just under 7 years of experience. I am looking for first hand experiences fr

How to migrate petabyte-scale data to the cloud

When planning on getting your data into the cloud as a part of an application migration or a data center shutdown, you will run into the

Migrate From the Detailed Billing Report to the Cost and Usage Report

Cost and Usage Reports contain much of the same data that detailed billing reports do, and they also include additional data about Reserved Ins

Using LetsEncrypt & Certbot to create SSL certificates

RT Certbot 到下面的網站,一下指令碼,可以助力你快速申請證書 下面以centos 6 - nginx 為例: 選好系統版本,即下面的URL 1、下載 wget -O /sbin/certbot https://dl.eff.or

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