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Managed Service Partners

AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP) Partners are skilled at cloud infrastructure and application migration, and deliver value to customers by offering proactive monitoring, automation, and management of their customer’s environment.

In order to obtain the MSP Partner designation, MSP Partners meet the AWS Managed Service Provider Program requirements, including a third party audit of their MSP capabilities.


Managed Service Partners

AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP) Partners are skilled at cloud infrastructure and application migration, and deliver value to customers by


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AWS Managed Service Program

The AWS MSP Partner Program provides qualified APN Partners with technical and business benefits to deliver AWS Cloud services as business s

AWS Server Migration Service Partners

REAN Cloud, an AWS Premier Consulting Partner with AWS DevOps, Life Sciences, Government, and Migration Competencies is a cloud-native firm with d

Working Together to Bring Value to Managed Service Customers on AWS – CorpInfo and CloudCheckr

Premier APN Consulting Partner CorpInfo joined the APN about two years ago, with a plan to bring cloud consulting services and the benefits of AWS

AWS Database Migration Service Partners

TriNimbus helps companies migrate workloads to AWS or improve the availability, scalability and performance of their application stack as their

AWS Managed Services Partners

Smartronix is a unique, end-to-end, global professional solutions provider with a dedicated team of cloud professionals. Our Cloud Ass

Managed Source Control Service

AWS CodeCommit keeps your repositories close to your build, staging, and production environments in the AWS cloud. You can transfer incremental

AWS Service Catalog Partners

BizCloud Expert’s core competency is providing consulting services for solution architecture and design, web and mobile applications developmen

Managed Kubernetes Service

Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernete

Managed message broker service for ActiveMQ

Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ that makes it easy to set up and operate message brokers in the cloud. Message b

Fully Managed Build Service

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are re

Amazon MQ – Managed Message Broker Service for ActiveMQ

Messaging holds the parts of a distributed application together, while also adding resiliency and enabling the implementation of highly scalable a

Amazon Neptune – A Fully Managed Graph Database Service

Of all the data structures and algorithms we use to enable our modern lives, graphs are changing the world everyday. Businesses continuously creat


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winrm service

一點 知識庫 telnet item trouble err adr 遠程管理 abc 今天看腳本忽然發現一個服務,叫winRM服務,這是個PowerShell的遠程管理。開啟它可以很大程度的方便用PowerShell操控! 下面是我找到的一些資料: 在Linux中,我們可


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spring pom文件報錯:提示no declaration can be found for element 'dubbo:service'.

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【mysql】service mysql start出錯,mysql啟動不了,解決mysql: unrecognized service錯誤

開機 init.d starting 設置 tin 執行 rest root lan service MySQL start出錯,mysql啟動不了,解決mysql: unrecognized service錯誤的方法如下: [[email protected]/