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AWS Credits

These AWS Promotional Credit Terms and Conditions (these “Terms”) are an agreement between you and Amazon Web Services, Inc. (or its affiliate as noted in Section 14 below) (“AWS,” “your AWS contracting entity,” “us,” “our,” or “we”) and govern your use of any AWS promotional credit (“Promotional Credit

”). You must have a valid AWS account to redeem a Promotional Credit code. Capitalized terms used but not defined in these Terms will have the meanings set forth in the agreement between you and your AWS contracting entity governing your use of the Services (the “Agreement”).

1. Promotional Credit can be used only for fees and charges incurred on or after the date you apply the applicable Promotional Credit code to your AWS account and only for the specific Services designated by your AWS contracting entity (collectively, “Eligible Services

”). You cannot use Promotional Credit for any fees or charges for Reserved Instances, Amazon Mechanical Turk, Ineligible AWS Support, AWS Marketplace, Amazon Route 53 domain name registration or transfer, any Services for mining for cryptocurrency, or any other Services as may be designated by your AWS contracting entity, or any upfront fee for any Services (collectively, “Ineligible Services
”). For purposes of this Section 1, “Ineligible AWS Support” means AWS Support (as described on the AWS Site) that is (a) at the Enterprise Support level or (b) at the Developer or Business Support level and billed under the AWS Support flat-rate base charge listed on the AWS Site.

2. Promotional Credit will not be applied to your AWS account until you redeem your Promotional Credit code through the AWS Site or as otherwise directed by us. Each Promotional Credit code can only be redeemed once and only on one AWS account. Your AWS account will be billed for all fees and charges for use of any Eligible Services in excess of the amount of available Promotional Credit.

3. You may not sell, license, rent, or otherwise transfer Promotional Credit. Promotional Credit may be applied only to your own AWS account. Promotional Credit has no intrinsic value, is not redeemable for cash, has no cash value, is nonrefundable, and serves merely as a means to recognize and provide an incentive to use our Services. Promotional Credit may not be purchased for cash, and we and our affiliates do not sell Promotional Credit.

4. Promotional Credit is void in the event of fraud, misuse, or violation of any terms of the Agreement or of these Terms, or if sold for cash or other consideration. In addition to any other legal relief available to us, you will reimburse us for the amount of any Promotional Credit you use in violation of these Terms.

5. By accepting Promotional Credit, you represent and warrant that your receipt and use of Promotional Credit is not prohibited or inconsistent with any applicable laws, regulations, or binding orders (including applicable ethics or procurement rules) and will not create a conflict of interest for your AWS contracting entity.

6. If you are a federal government entity or other entity that is subject to special rules governing your receipt of Promotional Credit, you may not use or receive Promotional Credit directly from your AWS contracting entity unless agreed by us in writing.

7. Unless authorized by us, Promotional Credit may not be used in conjunction with any other promotional or incentive offer from us or our affiliates.

8. Promotional Credit will not be applied against any sales, use, gross receipts, or similar transaction based taxes that may be applicable to you.

9. You may not issue any press release or make any other public disclosure regarding Promotional Credit without our prior written consent. In addition, you agree not to misrepresent or embellish the relationship between us and you. For example, you agree not to imply that we support, sponsor, or endorse you unless you have our prior written permission to do so.

10. Promotional Credit is valid for a limited time only and expires on the date indicated when you receive the applicable Promotional Credit code (or such other date designated by us or in these Terms). Failure to use Promotional Credit before its expiration date will result in its forfeiture. We reserve the right to cancel Promotional Credit at any time. No refunds will be granted for any expired or cancelled Promotional Credit.


(a) Promotional Credit provided under the AWS Nonprofit Grant Program expires two years from the earlier of the date you receive the Promotional Credit code or when we deposit the Promotional Credit in your AWS account. Promotional Credit provided under the AWS Nonprofit Grant Program can only be provided to AWS accounts registered with the nonprofit institution’s domain name. Your AWS contracting entity is permitted to use your name and likeness in furtherance of the AWS Nonprofit Grant Program and to identify you as a Promotional Credit recipient and AWS customer.

(b) Promotional Credit provided under the AWS Cloud Credits for Research Program expires one year from the earlier of the date you receive the Promotional Credit code or when we deposit the Promotional Credit in your AWS account. Promotional Credit provided under the AWS Cloud Credits for Research Program can only be used to support academic research or research-focused projects. Promotional Credit provided under the AWS Cloud Credits for Research Program cannot be used for internal administrative workloads. Your AWS contracting entity is permitted to use your name and likeness in furtherance of the AWS Cloud Credits for Research Program and to identify you as a Promotional Credit recipient and AWS customer.

12. You agree to maintain in strict confidence any data or information relating to the Service Offerings that you discover, derive, develop, or otherwise learn about through your use of the Service Offerings. This includes, but is not limited to, data or information relating to the Service Offering’s security and any suggested improvements to the Service Offerings.

13. We may modify these Terms at any time by posting a revised version on the AWS Site or by sending you an email using the email address provided in your application for Promotional Credit. The modified Terms will become effective upon posting or, if we notify you by email, as stated in the email message. By receiving or using Promotional Credit after the effective date of any modification to these Terms, you agree to be bound by the modified Terms. We last modified these Terms on the date listed at the top of this page.

14. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Terms:

(a) If you redeem a Promotional Credit code on an AWS account with Amazon Internet Services Private Limited, the Promotional Credit will be deemed to be offered by Amazon Internet Services Private Limited and references to “AWS,” “your AWS contracting entity,” “us,” “our,” and “we” will be to Amazon Internet Services Private Limited.

(b) If you redeem a Promotional Credit code on an AWS account with Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, the Promotional Credit will be deemed to be offered by Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL and references to “AWS,” “your AWS contracting entity,” “us,” “our,” and “we” will be to Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL.


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