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Add Additional SSH User Accounts With Cloud

The default behavior is to execute once-per-instance. However, these instructions add the key on every reboot or restart of the instance. If the user data is removed, the default functionality is restored. These instructions are for use on all OS distributions that support cloud-init directives.


Cloud-init must be installed and configured for these instructions to work. For more information, see SSH.

These instructions create a new user account, set the appropriate ownership and file permissions for the SSH directory and files contained in it, and append the specified SSH public key to the authorized_keys file. The new user account functions identically to the default behavior of the ec2-user.

Note: You must stop your instance; any data on ephemeral volumes is lost.

Stop the EC2 Instance:

  • In the Amazon EC2 console, select the instance, choose Actions, Instance State, and then choose Stop.
    If Stop is disabled, either the instance is already stopped or its root device is an instance store volume.

Find the public key:

Linux / OSX:


Add Additional SSH User Accounts With Cloud

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