程式碼————Efficient Optimization Algorithms for Multi-User Beamforming with Superposition Coding
%randn('state',1); h1=(randn(6,1)+1i*randn(6,1))/sqrt(2); h2=(randn(6,1)+1i*randn(6,1))/sqrt(2); Q=angle(h1'*h2); r1=3; r2=3 sigmal1=10 sigmal2=1 h11=h1*exp(1i*Q) cvx_begin sdp variable W1(6,6) complex hermitian variable W2(6,6) complex hermitian minimize trace(W1+W2); subject to r1*(real(h1'*W2*h1)+sigmal1)-real(h1'*W1*h1)<=0 r1*(real(h2'*W2*h2)+sigmal2)-real(h2'*W1*h2)<=0 r2*sigmal2-real(h2'*W2*h2)<=0 W1>=0 W2>=0 cvx_end b=cvx_optval cvx_begin variable w1(6) complex variable w2(6) complex minimize (w1'*w1+w2'*w2); subject to {[h1'*w2,sigmal1]',1/sqrt(r1)*real(h11'*w1)} <In> complex_lorentz(2) {[h2'*w2,sigmal2]',1/sqrt(r1)*real(h2'*w1)} <In> complex_lorentz(2) 1/sqrt(r2)*real(h2'*w2)>=sigmal2 cvx_end a=cvx_optval [b,a]
程式碼————Efficient Optimization Algorithms for Multi-User Beamforming with Superposition Coding
%randn('state',1); h1=(randn(6,1)+1i*randn(6,1))/sqrt(2); h2=(randn(6,1)+1i*randn(6,1))/sqrt(2); Q=an
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