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Real-Time Hotspot Detection in Amazon Kinesis Analytics

Today we’re releasing a new machine learning feature in Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for detecting “hotspots” in your streaming data. We launched Kinesis Data Analytics

in August of 2016 and we’ve continued to add features since. As you may already know, Kinesis Data Analytics is a fully managed real-time processing engine for streaming data that lets you write SQL queries to derive meaning from your data and output the results to Kinesis Data Firehose, Kinesis Data Streams
, or even an AWS Lambda function. The new HOTSPOTS function adds to the existing machine learning capabilities in Kinesis that allow customers to leverage unsupervised streaming based machine learning algorithms. Customers don’t need to be experts in data science or machine learning to take advantage of these capabilities.


The function is a new Kinesis Data Analytics SQL function you can use to identify relatively dense regions in your data without having to explicitly build and train complicated machine learning models. You can identify subsections of your data that need immediate attention and take action programmatically by streaming the hotspots out to a Kinesis Data stream, to a Firehose delivery stream, or by invoking a AWS Lambda function.

There are a ton of really cool scenarios where this could make your operations easier. Imagine a ride-share program or autonomous vehicle fleet communicating spatiotemporal data about traffic jams and congestion, or a datacenter where a number of servers start to overheat indicating an HVAC issue. HOTSPOTS is not limited to spatiotemporal data and you could apply it across many problem domains.

The function follows some simple syntax and accepts the DOUBLE, INTEGER, FLOAT, TINYINT, SMALLINT, REAL, and BIGINT data types.

The HOTSPOTS function takes a cursor as input and returns a JSON string describing the hotspot. This will be easier to understand with an example.

Using Kinesis Data Analytics to Detect Hotspots

Let’s take a simple data set from NY Taxi and Limousine Commission that tracks yellow cab pickup and drop-off locations. Most of this data is already on S3 and publicly accessible at s3://nyc-tlc/. We will create a small python script to load our Kinesis Data Stream with Taxi records which will feed our Kinesis Data Analytics. Finally, we’ll output all of this to a Kinesis Data Firehose connected to an Amazon Elasticsearch Service cluster for visualization with Kibana. I know from living in New York for 5 years that we’ll probably find a hotspot or two in this data.

First, we’ll create an input Kinesis stream and start sending our NYC Taxi Ride data into it. I just wrote a quick python script to read from one of the CSV files and used boto3 to push the records into Kinesis. You can put the record in whatever way works for you.

import csv
import json
import boto3
def chunkit(l, n):
    """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
    for i in range(0, len(l), n):
        yield l[i:i + n]

kinesis = boto3.client("kinesis")
with open("taxidata2.csv") as f:
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    records = chunkit([{"PartitionKey": "taxis", "Data": json.dumps(row)} for row in reader], 500)
    for chunk in records:
        kinesis.put_records(StreamName="TaxiData", Records=chunk)

Next, we’ll create the Kinesis Data Analytics application and add our input stream with our taxi data as the source.

Next we’ll automatically detect the schema.

Now we’ll create a quick SQL Script to detect our hotspots and add that to the Real Time Analytics section of our application.

    "pickup_longitude" DOUBLE,
    "pickup_latitude" DOUBLE,
    SELECT "pickup_longitude", "pickup_latitude", "HOTSPOTS_RESULT" FROM

Our HOTSPOTS function takes an input stream, a window size, scan radius, and a minimum number of points to count as a hotspot. The values for these are application dependent but you can tinker with them in the console easily until you get the results you want. There are more details about the parameters themselves in the documentation. The HOTSPOTS_RESULT returns some useful JSON that would let us plot bounding boxes around our hotspots:

  "hotspots": [
      "density": "elided",
      "minValues": [40.7915039, -74.0077401],
      "maxValues": [40.7915041, -74.0078001]

When we have our desired results we can save the script and connect our application to our Amazon Elastic Search Service Firehose Delivery Stream. We can run an intermediate lambda function in the firehose to transform our record into a format more suitable for geographic work. Then we can update our mapping in Elasticsearch to index the hotspot objects as Geo-Shapes.

Finally, we can connect to Kibana and visualize the results.

Looks like Manhattan is pretty busy!

Available Now
This feature is available now in all existing regions with Kinesis Data Analytics. I think this is a really interesting new feature of Kinesis Data Analytics that can bring immediate value to many applications. Let us know what you build with it on Twitter or in the comments!


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【Faster RCNN】《Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks》

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《You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection》論文筆記

1. 論文思想 YOLO(YOLO-v1)是最近幾年提出的目標檢測模型,它不同於傳統的目標檢測模型,將檢測問題轉換到一個迴歸問題,以空間分隔的邊界框和相關的類概率進行目標檢測。在一次前向運算中,一個單一的神經網路直接從完整的影象中預測邊界框和類概率。由於整個檢測管道是一個單一的網路,

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論文閱讀筆記二十六:Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks(CVPR 2016)

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You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection 論文閱讀

本文僅是對論文的解讀,供個人學習使用,如果有侵權的地方,還請聯絡我刪除博文 一、簡述 Yolo方法是一種目標檢測的方法。整個演算法的框架其實是一個迴歸的過程。現在簡單介紹一個下這個演算法的運轉流程。建立網路模型,輸入影象,然後其輸出結果記錄了影象中的Bounding Box(後

Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks

Abstract SPPnet和Fast R-CNN雖然減少了演算法執行時間,但region proposal仍然是限制演算法速度的瓶頸。而Faster R-CNN提出了Region Proposal Network (RPN),該網路基於卷積特徵預測每個位置是否為物體以及

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論文閱讀:You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection

Preface 注:這篇今年 CVPR 2016 年的檢測文章 YOLO,我之前寫過這篇文章的解讀。但因為不小心在 Markdown 編輯器中編輯時刪除了。幸好同組的夥伴轉載了我的,我就直

【論文筆記】Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks

寫在前面:      我看的paper大多為Computer Vision、Deep Learning相關的paper,現在基本也處於入門階段,一些理解可能不太正確。說到底,小女子才疏學淺,如果有錯

【筆記】Faster-R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks

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[論文學習]《Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks 》

faster R-CNN的主要貢獻 提出了 region proposal network(RPN),通過該網路我們可以將提取region proposal的過程也納入到深度學習的過程之中。這樣做既增加了Accuracy,由降低了耗時。之所以說增加Accura

【翻譯】Faster-R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks

摘要 目前最先進的目標檢測網路需要先用區域建議演算法推測目標位置,像SPPnet[7]和Fast R-CNN[5]這些網路已經減少了檢測網路的執行時間,這時計算區域建議就成了瓶頸問題。本文中,我們介紹一種區域建議網路(Region Proposal Network, R

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