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Charges from Unknown Account

If you were billed for Amazon Web Services, it means the payment method (usually a credit card) is associated with an AWS account with running resources.

Here are some of the most common reasons why you might be billed for an account that you don't remember creating:

A test account's Free Tier promotion has expired

The AWS Free Tier covers new accounts for a year, allowing new customers to test many AWS services for free. Any resources left running after the Free Tier expires are billed at the normal on-demand rates.

It's possible that you or another authorized user of the card created the account a while ago, and forgot that the account has running resources on it.

Someone in your organization created the account

If this is a personal credit card, check with other authorized users of the card (spouses, family members, children away at school, and so on) to see if they've opened an AWS account using the card.

If this is a corporate credit card, check with technical department heads within your organization that might have access to your payment method. Common users of AWS within companies include IT staff, website designers, systems administrators, and application or service developers.

A contractor or third party is using AWS to provide you a service

If you contracted a third party to build a website, app, or other service for your company or organization, they might be using AWS infrastructure for the project. Contact the third party for more details about these charges.

To help protect your security and privacy, AWS customer service can provide information about an account only to someone signed in as the root user of that account. If you're unable to find or sign in to the AWS account and you want to stop further AWS charges, contact your credit card issuer to dispute the charges.


Charges from Unknown Account

If you were billed for Amazon Web Services, it means the payment method (usually a credit card) is associated with an AWS account w

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