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Windows Resources for AWS

AWS partners with companies that offer a variety of services, software, and solutions on the AWS cloud via the Amazon Partner Network (APN). The APN includes Consulting Partners, which are professional services firms that help you design, architect, build, migrate, and manage your applications on AWS, as well as Technology Partners, which provide software that is either hosted on or integrated with the AWS platform.


Windows Resources for AWS

AWS partners with companies that offer a variety of services, software, and solutions on the AWS cloud via the Amazon Partner Network (APN). Th

Windows Subsystem for Linux 環境變量

app environ game appdata sof less microsoft program /usr WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux )的環境變量是包含Linux子系統和Windows系統的,測試如下: wy@WY-PC:/

WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)的存放目錄

變化 sub tro win10 users limited blog ica 發行版 win10子系統把windows的底層接口做了個轉換到Linux從而能運行linux,但是他在安裝的時候並沒有提供安裝位置的選項.(還有hyper v) 現在,所有從商店安裝的發行版都存

wsl(Windows Subsystem for Linux)安裝簡易指南

14. lis tor OS sys 鏈接 代號 mina 1. 在“啟用或關閉Windows功能”窗口中打開“適用於Linux的Windows子系統”; 2. 讓你的Windows更新程序將你的Wind

WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)的安裝與使用

版本號 store 強烈 ack tro class 技術 sudo aliyun 有關WSL的介紹這裏就不做解釋了。另外,本文僅適用於win10 build 16215以及之後的版本,之前的版本可參考官方鏈接。 (可使用“winver”命令查看w

Useful Online Resources for New Hackers

HackerOne喜歡花時間與活躍的黑客和有興趣學習如何破解的人交談。 就在上週,一名十幾歲的黑客獲得了他的第一筆賞金。 最好的部分:他通過閱讀關於HackerOne的公開披露報告來自學黑客。 許多最好的黑客都是自學成才的,這是這種技能組合中真正獨特的方面之一。 黑客不僅可以讓網際網路更安全,還可以為他們的

Summary of Windows SubSystem for Linux

reat ive all 開源 inf sshd_conf sources pre remove Summary of Windows SubSystem for Linux Install Ubuntu Run PowerShell as administrator an

在Win 10的Windows Subsystem for Linux中安裝Kali

配置環境 While the setup is described well over at the WSL Distribution Switcher README file, we’ve made a quick 4-minute video to wal

67 open source tools and resources for IoT

The idea behind open source has been around for years, long before the movement toward open source software in the late 1980s—even before

Microsoft announces Windows support for ROS robotics development Internet of Business

Microsoft is demonstrating greater commitment to robotics by announcing Windows support for the Robot Operating System (ROS) and joining an industrial cons

Ask HN: Has Windows improved for Unix

I’m impressed with the Surface Pro hardware and could see myself dropping Mac hardware entirely.What stops me is Windows. I’m very comfortable in Unix-like

Dynamic iTerm profiles for AWS autoscaling groups

Autoscaling groups. Ahhh…they are so AWS-ome!. But as I grew fond of being able to access my servers easily and fast using iTerm profiles with my old VDC,

Ask HN: Programming resources for people with poor reading comprehension

Depends on her age, computer proficiency and how long she wants to purse this.- Her ultimate goal is learn a language used by the industry like java\c#\c++

Ask HN: Good resources for software architecture best practices?

I'm looking for resources on topics like DRY, modular programming, reusable code, single responsibility ... basically, all of the higher-level principles o

Ask HN: What are good resources for aspiring technology leaders?

Dear HNers,Do you know of any worthwhile MOOCs on tech leadership? Books are also good.Why: I am SE looking for change in following years. Some experiences

Ask HN: Great resources for product management

I think it depends on the product field you are facing.Personally, I will recommend Donella’s “Thinking In systems”

Ask HN: Resources for Interview Preparation?

Here's two similar recent "Ask HN" posts:"Ask HN: How can I prepare for a coding interview in a week?" (2 months ago, 170 points, 102 comments):"Ask HN: Ho

Ask HN: Resources for mathematical/scientific programming

Hi HN.Background:I teach high school digital technologies in Western Australia, and while our earlier and later year curriculum is pretty prescriptive as t

Resources for new Go programmers

This page lists a few resources for programmers interested in learning about the Go language. Books A selection of books about Go. Installing Go and c

.NET Core Global Tools for AWS

One of the exciting new features in .NET Core 2.1 are Global Tools. Global Tools provide the ability to distribute command line tools via a NuGet