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Move Objects Between S3 Buckets

To copy objects from one S3 bucket to another, follow these steps:

1.    Create a new S3 bucket.

2.    Install and configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

3.    Copy the objects between the S3 buckets.

4.    Verify that the objects are copied.

5.    Update existing API calls to the new bucket name.

Before you begin, consider tuning the AWS CLI to use a higher concurrency to increase the performance of the sync process. For more information about configuration options, see AWS CLI S3 Configuration. For more information about the price of data transfers, see Amazon S3 Pricing.

If you have many objects in your S3 bucket (more than 10 million objects), consider using

Amazon S3 Inventory reports and Monitoring Metrics with Amazon CloudWatch to optimize the cost and performance of verifying the copied objects. You can also split sync commands for different prefixes to optimize your S3 bucket performance. For more information about optimizing the performance of your workload, see
Request Rate and Performance Considerations


Move Objects Between S3 Buckets

To copy objects from one S3 bucket to another, follow these steps: 1.    Create a new S3 bucket. 2.    Install and config

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