1. 程式人生 > >Presigned URL for S3 Bucket Expires Before Specified Expiration Time

Presigned URL for S3 Bucket Expires Before Specified Expiration Time

If you created a presigned URL using a temporary token, then the URL expires when the token expires, even if the URL was created with a later expiration time.

The credentials that you can use to create a presigned URL include:

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) instance profile:
    Valid up to 6 hours
  • AWS Security Token Service (STS): Valid up to 36 hours when signed with permanent credentials, such as the credentials of the AWS account root user or an IAM user
  • IAM user: Valid up to 7 days when using AWS Signature Version 4

To create a presigned URL that's valid for up to 7 days, first designate IAM user credentials (the access key and secret access key) to the SDK that you're using. Then, generate a presigned URL using AWS Signature Version 4.

For example, follow these steps to create a presigned URL using Boto 3:

1.    Configure your IAM user credentials for use with Boto.

2.    Edit and run the following code snippet to create a presigned URL to use with an S3 object:


Presigned URL for S3 Bucket Expires Before Specified Expiration Time

If you created a presigned URL using a temporary token, then the URL expires when the token expires, even if the URL was created with a later e

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