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Redshift Query Completed With No Data Changes Made

SQL statements that manipulate data or create database objects, including but not limited to INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, or COPY, do not persist until its transaction is committed.

Note: TRUNCATE implicitly performs a COMMIT.

The Amazon Redshift console shows that the query status is COMPLETED for a SQL statement if it is still in an open transaction. The status changes to ABORTED if the transaction is rolled back. The

STL_QUERY system table also shows that the SQL statement is completed successfully (aborted column = 0).

If the transaction is later committed, the changes will appear. However, if the transaction cannot be committed, the Amazon Redshift console shows that the query status is ABORTED for the SQL statement with the following transaction rollback log entry: Undoing x transactions on table table_oid.

This behavior is by design. You can use the following steps to identify the source of the issue.


Redshift Query Completed With No Data Changes Made

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