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AWS Messaging Use Cases

Tim Bray, AWS Senior Principal Engineer, and fellow industry experts discuss and demonstrate how developers are using messaging in modern application architecture. Learn how to use messaging to simplify and scale serverless apps and microservices, integrate on-prem and cloud resources, enable real-time analytics, and support millions of devices. Each episode will dive into how customers are using AWS messaging services to do some pretty cool stuff like:

  • build a massive microservices media pipeline
  • stream ad-impression data for analytics
  • accelerate migration and enable hybrid architecture
Warning: there will be code!


AWS Messaging Use Cases

Tim Bray, AWS Senior Principal Engineer, and fellow industry experts discuss and demonstrate how developers are using messaging in modern applicat

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Getting started with use cases for Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

簡單示例用例(Simple Example Use Cases)--hive GettingStarted用例翻譯

翻譯 nload insert fields 清洗 group eas lease wid 1、MovieLens User Ratings First, create a table with tab-delimited text file format: 首先,創建

用擴充套件和包含來構造用例 - Structuring Use Cases with Extend and Include

什麼是用例圖? 用例描述了一個演員和感興趣的系統之間的一系列互動,以達到某種特定目標,並由某種觸發事件引發。用例滿足需求或為演員解決問題。用例圖包含一組用例,可以通過從每個角色的不同角度講述系統將如何使用的“故事”來開發。 用例圖指南 確保每個用例都能滿足可觀察的使用者目標 用例圖沒

確定用例之間的關係 - Identify Relationships Among Use Cases

用例關聯 角色和用例之間的關聯在用例圖中用實線表示。每當一個actor參與一個用例描述的互動時就存在一個關聯。 延伸 (Extend) 有些功能可以選擇觸發。在這種情況下,將使用擴充套件關係並將擴充套件規則附加到它。需要記住的是,即使擴充套件用例未被呼叫,基本用例也應該能夠

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Examples, Best Use Cases and the Future

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AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

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Ask HN: What are some intereting / innovative use cases for IoT?

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Old tools, new use-cases – Iris.ai

On the role of taxation in the Aiur ecosystem. Reposted from Medium. There are plenty of disagreements around blockchain today. But one of the few

AWS Acceptable Use Policy

We reserve the right, but do not assume the obligation, to investigate any violation of this Policy or misuse of the Services or AWS Site. W