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Amazon Transcribe – Automatic Speech Recognition

Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech-to-text capability to their applications. Using the Amazon Transcribe API, you can analyze audio files stored in Amazon S3 and have the service return a text file of the transcribed speech. You can also send a live audio stream to Amazon Transcribe and receive a stream of transcripts in real time.

Amazon Transcribe can be used for lots of common applications, including the transcription of customer service calls and generating subtitles on audio and video content. The service can transcribe audio files stored in common formats, like WAV and MP3, with time stamps for every word so that you can easily locate the audio in the original source by searching for the text. Amazon Transcribe is continually learning and improving to keep pace with the evolution of language.


Amazon TranscribeAutomatic Speech Recognition

Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech-to-text capability to their app

A Bayesian Approach to Deep Neural Network Adaptation with Applications to Robust Automatic Speech Recognition

機器學習 屬於 瓶頸 特征 oid ack enter 變換 表示 基於貝葉斯的深度神經網絡自適應及其在魯棒自動語音識別中的應用 直接貝葉斯DNN自適應 使用高斯先驗對DNN進行MAP自適應 為何貝葉斯在模型自適應中很有用? 因為自適應問題可以視為後驗估計

Automatic Speech Recognition: A Deep Learning Approach (Signals and Communication Technology): Dong Yu, Li Deng: 9781447157786:

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the recent advancement in the field of automatic speech recognition with a focus on deep learn

Utterance-Wise Recurrent Dropout And Iterative Speaker Adaptation For Robust Monaural Speech Recognition

back hid eve 以及 pre learn line sig ann 單聲道語音識別的逐句循環Dropout叠代說話人自適應 WRBN(wide residual BLSTM network,寬殘差雙向長短時記憶網絡) [2] J. Heymann


摘要:對話序列有利於提高數字助手(可以理解為手機的siri,微軟小冰等)的能力,我們探索了神經網路語言模型模擬數字助手的對話。我們提出的結果可以有效刻畫對話特徵,在識別率上相對提高了%4. 1.     不同於其他領域的語音識別,數字助手主要為對話形式的。所以應該建立一個

word2vec, LSTM Speech Recognition實戰, 圖資料庫

word2vec word2vec是Google於2013年開源推出的一個用於獲取word vector的工具包。作者是Tomas Mikolov。 Github: 注:Tomas Mikolov,捷克布林諾科技大學博士。先後在Google、Facebook

Discovering and indexing podcast episodes using Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Comprehend 

As an avid podcast listener, I had always wished for an easy way to glimpse at the transcript of an episode to decide whether I should add it to m

The Ultimate Guide To Speech Recognition With Python – Real Python

Have you ever wondered how to add speech recognition to your Python project? If so, then keep reading! It’s easier than you might think. Far from a bein

Amazon SageMaker automatic model tuning produces better models, faster

Amazon SageMaker recently released a feature that allows you to automatically tune the hyperparameter values of your machine learning model to pro

Amazon Transcribe Pricing

The Amazon Transcribe Free Tier is available to you for 12 months, starting from the date on which you create your first transcription request

Questions fréquentes (FAQ) sur Amazon Transcribe

Q : Les entrées vocales traitées par Amazon Transcribe sont-elles stockées ? Et comment sont-elles utilisées par AWS ? Amazon Tran

Часто задаваемые вопросы по Amazon Transcribe 

Вопрос: Сохраняются ли входные речевые сообщения, обработанные Amazon Transcribe, и как их использует AWS? Amazon Transcribe может

Цены на Amazon Transcribe 

Уровень бесплатного пользования Amazon Transcribe доступен в течение 12 месяцев с момента создания первого запроса на преобразование речи в те

Ресурсы по Amazon Transcribe 

Amazon Web Services приглашает на работу. Amazon Web Services (AWS) – динамично растущее подразделение в составе Amazon.com. В настоящее в

Amazon Transcribe の料金

Amazon Transcribe の無料利用枠は、最初の文字起こしリクエストを作成した日から 12 か月間利用できます。無料使用の有効期限が切れた場合、またはアプリケーションでの使用量が無料利用枠を超えた場合は、従量課金制での標準料金が発生します。

Amazon Transcribe Resources

DEVELOPER GUIDE Provides a conceptual overview of Amazon Transcribe, includes detailed instructions for using the various features, an

The Past, Present, and Future of Speech Recognition Technology

The earliest advances in speech recognition focused mainly on the creation of vowel sounds, as the basis of a system that might also learn to interpret pho

Fundamentals of Speech Recognition: Lawrence Rabiner, Biing

This book is a comprehensive and excellent introduction to the ever-expanding field of Automatic Speech Recognition. Starting with models of speech produ

Amazon Transcribe 語音識別_自動語音識別技術

Amazon Transcribe 是一項自動語音識別 (ASR) 服務,使開發人員能夠輕鬆地為其應用程式新增語音轉文字功能。通過使用 Amazon Transcribe API,您可以分析 Amazon S3 中儲存的音訊檔案,並讓該服務返回一個轉錄的語音文字檔案。 Ama

Amazon Transcribe 定價

Amazon Transcribe 免費套餐有效期為 12 個月,自您建立第一個轉錄請求之日開始計算。如果您的免費使用期結束,或者應用程式用量超出免費套餐的範圍,您只需按照標準服務費率根據使用量付費。 (adsb