1. 程式人生 > >ACM Certificate Fails to Renew Using Auto Domain Validation

ACM Certificate Fails to Renew Using Auto Domain Validation

  1. Configure your DNS records to route requests for your domain name to the corresponding AWS resource to which the ACM certificate is attached.

During the managed renewal process, ACM tries to establish HTTPS connections with the domain names included in the certificate up to the 45th day before the certificate expires. During this process, the renewal status of your ACM certificate is "Pending automatic renewal." For more information, see

Check a Certificate's Renewal Status.

If the certificate is automatically validated and no further action is required, then the renewal status changes to "Success." If the managed renewal process fails, you can Use Email to Validate Domain Ownership to manually validate your domain. For more information, see

When Automatic Validation Fails.

After the certificate is renewed, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the renewed ACM certificate remains the same. Renewed ACM certificates are automatically updated to the integrated, in-use AWS resources.


ACM Certificate Fails to Renew Using Auto Domain Validation

Configure your DNS records to route requests for your domain name to the corresponding AWS resource to w

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