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ACM certificate error messages using HTTPS connections

If you are using HTTPS connections, a server certificate is required. A server certificate is an x.509 v3 data structure that is signed by a certificate authority (CA). A server certificate contains the name of the server, the validity period, the public key and other data. When your browser accesses the web server, all the data fields must be valid. If any data fields are considered invalid—like the validity period or the name of the server—your browser considers the connection to be insecure, and you might receive an error message.

You can receive an error message like this if:

  • The certificate is not valid for the name of the server.
  • The certificate is expired.
  • The SSL/TLS certificate for the website is not trusted.


ACM certificate error messages using HTTPS connections

If you are using HTTPS connections, a server certificate is required. A server certificate is an x.509 v3 data structure that is signed by a ce

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false 命令 解決方法 方法 令行 ati 我們 verify global error setting certificate verify locations:系統提示是告訴我們系統的系統有問題 解決方法是直接設置跳過SSL證書驗證就可以了 打開 git命令行 輸入