1. 程式人生 > >Download a Monthly AWS Invoice

Download a Monthly AWS Invoice

You can download an invoice from the Bills page of the Billing and Cost Management console:

1.    Choose a month from the Date drop-down menu.

2.    Expand the Service Charges heading.

3.    Choose the invoice ID link you want to download.
Note: If you made one-time purchases, such as EC2 Reserved Instances, additional invoices are available for each of these purchases under the New Purchases and Adjustments


A PDF invoice shows the information associated with your payment method (name, address, and so on), and not the information associated with your AWS account. The invoice lists only charges, and doesn't show whether the invoice was paid.


Download a Monthly AWS Invoice

You can download an invoice from the Bills page of the Billing and Cost Management console: 1.    Choose a month from the Date drop-

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