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Information for SAP Partners

AWS Partner Network (APN) Consulting Partners are firms that provide professional services to help customers of all sizes design, architect, migrate, or build new applications on AWS. Consulting Partners include System Integrators (SIs), strategic consultancies, resellers, agencies, and value-added resellers (VARs).

As an APN Consulting Partner you will gain access to a range of resources and training that will enable you to better help your customers deploy, run, and manage applications in the AWS cloud.

If you would like to learn more about the AWS Partner Network, visit the AWS Partner Network webpage


If you have any questions about SAP-related partner opportunities with AWS, email us at [email protected].


Information for SAP Partners

AWS Partner Network (APN) Consulting Partners are firms that provide professional services to help customers of all sizes design, architect, mi

"There is no tracking information for the current branch" 解決方法

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Determining IP information for eth0...failed 錯誤解決

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VMware - "Determining IP Information for eth0...Failed

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一些SAP Partners能夠通過二次開發實現打通C/4HANA和S/4HANA的方法介紹

有好幾位朋友在公眾號後臺給我留言詢問SAP C/4HANA和S/4HANA整合的方案。 儘管我給這些朋友推送了一個方案:打通C/4HANA和S/4HANA的一個原型開發:智慧服務創新案例,然而我得到的反饋是:在這個創新案例裡,需要在C/4HANA裡的服務雲做一些後臺開發,即下圖紅色方框標註

Git: There is no tracking information for the current branch.

在執行git pull的時候,提示當前branch沒有跟蹤資訊: git pull There is no tracking information for the current branch. Please specify which branch you

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The AWS Partner Network (APN) is the global partner program for Amazon Web Services (AWS) and consists of tens of thousands of partners worldwid

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