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Microsoft Workloads

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a great platform for running Windows workloads, and offers several options for deploying and managing both off-the-shelf and custom applications. When planning to deploy a .NET web application to AWS for the first time, new customers often search for an optimal method that will allow them to quickly get their application up and running.

APN Partners offer solutions that enable you to deploy your .NET aplications on AWS.


Microsoft Workloads Partner Solutions

Crayon offers strategic advice around purchase, management and the controlled evolution of IT solutions, such as the AWS cloud computin

Microsoft Workloads

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a great platform for running Windows workloads, and offers several options for deploying and managing both off-the

物聯網平臺構架系列:Amazon, Microsoft, IBM IoT 平臺導論 之三 連接

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物聯網平臺構架系列:Amazon, Microsoft, IBM IoT 平臺導論 之二 設備

物聯網; iot; aws; 亞馬遜; greengrass;microsoft; azure;ibm; watson; bluemix 最近研究了一些物聯網平臺技術資料,以做選型參考。腦子裏積累大量信息,便想寫出來做一些普及。作為科普文章,力爭通俗易懂,不確保概念嚴謹性。我會給考據癖者提供相關英文

Microsoft Speech SDK開發包 使用

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物聯網平臺構架系列 (四):Amazon, Microsoft, IBM IoT 平臺導論 之 平臺

物聯網; iot; aws; 亞馬遜; greengrass;microsoft; azure;ibm; watson; bluemix最近研究了一些物聯網平臺技術資料,以做選型參考。腦子裏積累大量信息,便想寫出來做一些普及。作為科普文章,力爭通俗易懂,不確保概念嚴謹性。我會給考據癖者提供相關英文鏈接,以便深

物聯網平臺構架系列 (六):Amazon, Microsoft, IBM IoT 解決方案導論 之 結語

物聯網; iot; aws; 亞馬遜; greengrass;microsoft; azure;ibm; watson; bluemix最近研究了一些物聯網平臺技術資料,以做選型參考。腦子裏積累大量信息,便想寫出來做一些普及。作為科普文章,力爭通俗易懂,不確保概念嚴謹性。我會給考據癖者提供相關英文鏈接,以便深

ASR Now Supports NetApp Private Storage for Microsoft Azure

mon format base build reat step data soci conn ASR Now Supports NetApp Private Storage for Microsoft Azure This week at Ignite 2015 in

git 對 Microsoft Word 進行版本控制

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mysql5.7 Installing MySQL on Microsoft Windows Using a noinstall Zip Archive(mysql解壓版安裝)

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Microsoft Office Word 中的公式自動編號

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Microsoft SQL Server for Linux安裝和配置

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VS2008執行MFC程序,提示microsoft incremental linker已停止工作解決方法

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Python error: Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required 解決方案

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Microsoft Fluent Design System

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Microsoft SQL - 指令

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Microsoft Exchange 錯誤無法刪除郵箱數據庫'SZ Staff'

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