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Links: Leaving a job and lessons on coding

Links: Leaving a job and lessons on coding

I wrote two articles for Gadgette on leaving my job and learning to code. Re-posting the links below.

Lack of salary is a great motivator


Links: Leaving a job and lessons on coding

Links: Leaving a job and lessons on codingI wrote two articles for Gadgette on leaving my job and learning to code. Re-posting the links below.Lack of sala

Ask HN: Should I focus on building apps or practicing coding tasks to get a job?

Problem solving is a pretty important skill; very few whiteboard interviews address the day-to-day issues you'll see in a large production environment. Tas

char * a, char ** a, char * a[], char a[][], char * a[][], char ** a[][], char * a [][][], and so on

本文測試環境 :  X86-64 bit 架構的伺服器 CentOS x64 5.x gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 指標和陣列是C的比較難搞懂的知識點, 需要結合

Why I Left My Big Fancy Tech Job and Wrote a Book

Several years ago, I was sitting in the audience at a big tech conference, learning about a startup that made it easy for people to rent rooms in other peo

On the power of technologic icebreakers, a UX case study on how adults and teens could write…

On the power of technologic icebreakers, a UX case study on how adults and teens could write stories together with hashtags.Designing for familiesFor my fi

8 Ways AI Augments My Business and Life on a Daily Basis Value Inspiration

As an entrepreneur, time is your most valuable resource. So, to get the most out of it, you better challenge yourself to see how and where technology can h

Data Legibility and a Common Language: Coping Not Coding, part 2

Why Data Legibility is More Important than Explainability< Pt 1: Social Infrastructure | Pt 2: New Public Amenities (coming soon)>Data needs to be le

Help a student pay his tuition and save on an entrepreneureneurship masterclass

Important: Please note that I don't know the person behind the campaign and they don't know I'm posting this here, so send any questions you may have his w

Get Kubeflow up and running on a private cloud

Today more and more companies use artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the user experiences for their products. These enterprises

Ask HN: Would you reject a job offer on moral grounds?

There are plenty of companies viewed as contentious within the HN community which nonetheless seem to be very desirable to work for. I wonder how strongly

Legislators, Stockholders, Civil Right Groups, and a CEO Seek Limits on AI Face Recognition Technology

Following the tragic killings of journalists and staff inside the Capital Gazette offices in Annapolis, Maryland, in late June, local police acknowledge

Troubleshoot Network Issues Between a VPC and On

Install the following tools to help troubleshoot and test your network: MTR to check for ICMP or TCP packet loss and la

論文閱讀——橢圓檢測演算法 2015 A fast and robust ellipse detector based on top-down least-square fitting

    今天閱讀了一個2015年的一篇論文,關於橢圓檢測的,向作者傳送郵件索取程式碼和原始資料也沒回我- -||。所以只閱讀文章思想並從演算法上分析其效能。下面開始對文章進行分析。〇 摘要部分現存的演算法通常使用一個自下而上的策略(bottom-up strategy)將邊緣

Python - mouse clicks and keystrokes on a background window

... quest pyw use with -c stroke keys stack https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43965437/python-mouse-clicks-and-keystrokes-on-a-backgrou

A - Mike and palindrome

nbsp == 字符串長度 cda problem eal iostream quotes aaa A - Mike and palindrome Mike has a string s consisting of only lowercase English le

ORA-23421: job number 225 is not a job in the job queue

conn uil bms delet ext roc erro declare dba_jobs   在對數據庫進行異機恢復之後,為了防止上面作業自動執行,擾亂正常業務系統,需要將測試庫上的作業和db_link進行刪除:但是使用sys用戶連接進去,刪除的時候報如下錯誤SQL

Codeforces Round #417 (Div. 2) A. Sagheer and Crossroads 模擬 枚舉

ces color 一次 name exit main cst space amp Codeforces Round #417 (Div. 2) A. Sagheer and Crossroads 模擬 枚舉 題意 一個紅綠燈 按逆時針方向一次給出各個路口的左轉,

CodeForces 321 A - Ciel and Robot

names switch robot bit -a msu clu include == 【題目鏈接】:click here~~ 【題目大意】:一個robot 機器人 。能夠依據給定的指令行動,給你四種指令,robot初始位置是(0,0)。指令一出。robot會反

【貪心】 Codeforces Round #419 (Div. 1) A. Karen and Game

blog true 刪除 round 貪心 cnblogs pac names namespace 容易發現,刪除的順序不影響答案。 所以可以隨便刪。 如果行數大於列數,就先刪列;否則先刪行。 #include<cstdio> #include<algo

#419(div2) A. Karen and Morning

return main name spa ring 思路 clas 判斷 bit 題意:給出某個時刻,問多少秒後時刻變成回文的了 思路:A題就直接暴力咯,一秒一秒加,判斷,註意:24點為0點 1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 usin