1. 程式人生 > >Start and Stop Instances at Scheduled Intervals Using Lambda and CloudWatch

Start and Stop Instances at Scheduled Intervals Using Lambda and CloudWatch

CloudWatch Events allows you to create an event that is triggered at a specified time or interval in response to events that take place in your account. For example, you can create an event using CloudWatch Events for a specific time of day, or you can create an alarm when CPU utilization for an instance reaches a specific threshold. You can also configure a Lambda function to start and stop instances when triggered by these events.

In this example, we use Lambda functions to start and stop EC2 instances, and then we use CloudWatch Events to start instances in the morning and stop the instances at night.

1.    Open the AWS Lambda console, and choose Create function.
2.    Choose Author from scratch.
3.    Enter a Name

for your function, such as "StopEC2Instances."
4.    From the Runtime drop-down menu, choose Python2.7.
5.    Expand the Role drop-down menu, and then choose Create a custom role. This opens a new tab or window in your browser.
6.    In the IAM Role drop-down menu, choose Create a new IAM Role, and enter a Role Name
, such as “lambda_start_stop_ec2."
7.    Expand View Policy Document, choose Edit, and then choose Ok when prompted to read the documentation. Edit the policy as follows:


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