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Behind the scenes with Axis Animation

We call Amazon Lumberyard a game engine, but in fact, its real-time rendering technology also opens it up to other creative projects beyond game development. Take animation, for example. Lumberyard has the tools you need to generate film-quality animations, with the ability to tweak details like lighting, cameras, and layout in the editor all in real-time—and best of all, it’s free. 

To demonstrate these capabilities, we collaborated with Axis Animation to produce a real-time rendered short called “Dream Big, Build Bigger”—a piece that showcased the diversity of content possible with Lumberyard while also inspiring creators to push beyond their own limits.

Here’s a behind-the-scenes look from Axis Animation:


Behind the scenes with Axis Animation

We call Amazon Lumberyard a game engine, but in fact, its real-time rendering technology also opens it up to other creative projects beyond game d

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