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.NET Code Samples

Code Sample: Create an Amazon DynamoDB Table Use PowerShell Cmdlets to create a DynamoDB Table.
# Uses the "dynamodb:CreateTable" IAM Policy.

# Create a Table with a Hash Key only
$tableName1 = 'MyTableWithHashKey'
$schema1 = New-DDBTableSchema
$schema1 | Add-DDBKeySchema -KeyName 'id' -KeyDataType 'S'
$schema1 | New-DDBTable -TableName $tableName1 -ReadCapacity 5 -WriteCapacity 5

# Create a Table with Hash and Range Keys
$tableName2 = 'MyTableWithRangeKey'
$schema2 = New-DDBTableSchema
$schema2 | Add-DDBKeySchema -KeyName 'id' -KeyDataType 'S' -KeyType 'HASH'
$schema2 | Add-DDBKeySchema -KeyName 'range' -KeyDataType 'S' -KeyType 'RANGE'
$schema2 | New-DDBTable -TableName $tableName2 -ReadCapacity 5 -WriteCapacity 5
Code Sample: Create a .NET Table object for interacting with an Amazon DynamoDB Table

To support the CRUD operations from PowerShell, we will use the AWS .NET SDK and the DynamoDB Document Model. In this section we will create the required clients for interacting with a DynamoDB Table

# Create an Amazon DynamoDB Document Model Table Object
# To create this client, we likely need an AWS Credential and AWS RegionEndpoint object

# You may be able to use default credentials, however in this exampe we will create a
# credential object to use.
$awsCredential = Get-AWSCredential -ProfileName profilename

# Create a RegionEndpoint object directly, or using an AWS Region name
$region = [Amazon.RegionEndpoint]::USWest2
$region = [Amazon.RegionEndpoint]::GetBySystemName('us-west-2')

# Create an AmazonDynamoDBClient. This is used for the underlying API calls
#   - Use default AWS credentials, or an AWS credential object
$client = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBClient -ArgumentList $region
$client = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBClient -ArgumentList $awsCredential, $region

# Create a Table object. This is used for calls using the DynamoDB Document Model
$table = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Table]::LoadTable($client, $tableName)
Code Sample: Put an item in an Amazon DynamoDB Table This example demonstrates performing a PutItem request against a DynamoDB Table that only has a Hash Key.
# Uses the "dynamodb:PutItem" IAM Policy.

# Create a Document object from a json string.
$json = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @{
    id       = 'MyHashKeyValue'
    property = 'My Value'
    type     = 'TestObject'
$document = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document]::FromJson($json)

# Perform the PutItem operation. Note the PowerShell Core request is asynchronous.
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    # PowerShell Core
    # Windows PowerShell
This example demonstrates performing a PutItem request with a conditional statement against a DynamoDB Table that only has a Hash Key. For more information about formatting conditional statements, refer to the "Code Sample: Expression Statements" section below.
# Uses the "dynamodb:PutItem" IAM Policy.

# Create a Document object from a json string.
$key = 'id'
$value = 'MyHashKeyValue'
$json = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @{
    $key     = $value
    property = 'My Value'
    type     = 'TestObject'
$document = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document]::FromJson($json)

# Create a DocumentModel Expression
$expression = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Expression

# Example ExpressionStatement for attribute_not_exists
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "attribute_not_exists ($key)"

# Example ExpressionStatement for does not equal
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "$key <> :evaluation"
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':evaluation'] = $value

$putItemConfiguration = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.PutItemOperationConfig
$putItemConfiguration.ConditionalExpression = $expression

# Perform the PutItem operation. Note the PowerShell Core request is asynchronous.
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    # PowerShell Core
    $table.PutItemAsync($document, $putItemConfiguration).Wait()
    # Windows PowerShell
    $table.PutItem($document, $putItemConfiguration)
This example demonstrates performing a PutItem request against a DynamoDB Table that has a Hash and Range Key.
# Uses the "dynamodb:PutItem" IAM Policy.

# Create a Document object from a json string.
# This example uses a Range key called "range", and sets it to a
# string value of the number of seconds since epoch.
$epoch = [DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()
$json = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @{
    id       = 'MyHashKeyValue'
    range    = $epoch.ToString()
    property = 'My Value'
    type     = 'TestObject'
$document = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document]::FromJson($json)

# Perform the PutItem operation. Note the PowerShell Core request is asynchronous.
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    # PowerShell Core
    # Windows PowerShell
Code Sample: Update an item in an Amazon DynamoDB Table This example demonstrates performing an UpdateItem request against a DynamoDB Table that only has a Hash Key.
# Uses the "dynamodb:UpdateItem" IAM Policy.

# Create a Document object from a json string.
$json = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @{
    id       = 'MyHashKeyValue'
    property = 'My New Value'
$document = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document]::FromJson($json)

# Perform the UpdateItem operation. Note the PowerShell Core request is asynchronous.
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    # PowerShell Core
    # Windows PowerShell
This example demonstrates performing an UpdateItem request with a conditional statement against a DynamoDB Table that only has a Hash Key. For more informaiton about formatting conditional statements, refer to the "Code Sample: Expression Statements" section below.
# Uses the "dynamodb:UpdateItem" IAM Policy.

# Create a Document object from a json string.
$key = 'id'
$value = 'MyHashKeyValue'
$json = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @{
    $key     = $value
    property = 'My New Value'
$document = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document]::FromJson($json)

# Create a DocumentModel Expression
$expression = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Expression

# Example ExpressionStatement for attribute_not_exists
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "attribute_not_exists ($key)"

# Example ExpressionStatement for does not equal
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "$key <> :evaluation"
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':evaluation'] = $value

$updateItemConfiguration = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.UpdateItemOperationConfig
$updateItemConfiguration.ConditionalExpression = $expression

# Perform the UpdateItem operation. Note the PowerShell Core request is asynchronous.
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    # PowerShell Core
    $table.UpdateItemAsync($document, $updateItemConfiguration).Wait()
    # Windows PowerShell
    $table.UpdateItem($document, $updateItemConfiguration)
This example demonstrates performing an UpdateItem request against a DynamoDB Table that has a Hash and Range Key.
# Uses the "dynamodb:UpdateItem" IAM Policy.

# Create a Document object from a json string.
$epoch = [DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()
$json = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @{
    id       = 'MyHashKeyValue'
    range    = $epoch.ToString()
    property = 'My New Value'
$document = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document]::FromJson($json)

# Perform the UpdateItem operation. Note the PowerShell Core request is asynchronous.
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    # PowerShell Core
    # Windows PowerShell
Code Sample: Get an item from an Amazon DynamoDB Table This example demonstrates performing a GetItem request against a DynamoDB Table that only has a Hash Key.
# Uses the "dynamodb:GetItem" IAM Policy.

# Create the Hash Key Primitive
$hashKey = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Primitive]::new('MyHashKeyValue')

# Returns a Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document object
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    # PowerShell Core
    $result = $table.GetItemAsync($hashKey).Result
    # Windows PowerShell
    $result = $table.GetItem($hashKey)

# Print the output as Json

# Access the DynamoDB properties like a hashtable

# Get a PowerShell Object from the response object
$item = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $result.ToJson()
This example demonstrates using a JSON object to perform a GetItem request against a DynamoDB Table that only has a Hash Key.
# Uses the "dynamodb:GetItem" IAM Policy.

# Create the Hash Key Primitive
$json = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @{
    HashKey = 'HashKeyValue'
$document = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document]::FromJson($json)

# Returns a Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document object
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    # PowerShell Core
    $result = $table.GetItemAsync($document).Result
    # Windows PowerShell
    $result = $table.GetItem($document)

# Print the output as Json

# Access the DynamoDB properties like a hashtable

# Get a PowerShell Object from the response object
$item = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $result.ToJson()
This example demonstrates performing a GetItem request against a DynamoDB Table that has a Hash and Range Key.
# Uses the "dynamodb:GetItem" IAM Policy.

# Create the Hash and Range Key Primitives
$hashKey = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Primitive -ArgumentList 'MyHashKeyValue'
$rangeKey = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Primitive -ArgumentList $epoch.ToString()

# Returns a Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document object
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    # PowerShell Core
    $result = $table.GetItemAsync($hashKey,$rangeKey).Result
    # Windows PowerShell
    $result = $table.GetItem($hashKey, $rangeKey)

# Print the output as Json

# Access the DynamoDB properties like a hashtable

# Get a PowerShell Object from the response object
$item = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $result.ToJson()
Code Sample: Query an Amazon DynamoDB Table This example demonstrates performing a Query against a DynamoDB Table that only has a Hash Key.
# Uses the "dynamodb:Query" IAM Policy.

# Create the Query Operator and Query Filter objects.
$operator = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.QueryOperator]::Equal
$filter = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.QueryFilter -ArgumentList 'id', $operator, 'MyHashKeyValue'

# Create the Query object
$search = $table.Query($filter)

# Create the List for storing the retrieved Document objects
$documentList = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document]'

# To ensure errors are terminating and we don't get stuck in a loop, use ErrorActionPreference
$eap = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    do {
        if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
            # PowerShell Core
            $documentSet = $search.GetNextSetAsync().Result
            # Windows PowerShell
            $documentSet = $search.GetNextSet()

        # Process the Document objects retrieves in this API call
        foreach ($document in $documentSet)
            # Perform work against each document here, or
            # save each document to an array for processing later
            $null = $documentList.Add($document)
    while (-not $search.IsDone)
    # Take action on exception
    $ErrorActionPreference = $eap
This example demonstrates performing a Query against a DynamoDB Table that using both a Hash and Range Key.
# Uses the "dynamodb:Query" IAM Policy.

# This example will query for a range key greater than the seconds since Epoch from 50 days ago
$hashKey = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Primitive -ArgumentList 'MyHashKeyValue'

# Calculate the seconds since epoch value for our starting timestamp
$startTime = [datetime][DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds()
$twoWeeksAgo = [datetime]::UtcNow.AddDays(-50)
$twoWeeksAgoEpoch = (New-TimeSpan -Start $startTime -End $twoWeeksAgo).TotalSeconds.ToString()

# Create the Query Operator and Query Filter objects.
$operator = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.QueryOperator]::GreaterThan
$filter = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.QueryFilter -ArgumentList 'range', $operator, $twoWeeksAgoEpoch

# Create the Query object
$search = $table2.Query($hashKey, $filter)

# Create the List for storing the retrieved Document objects
$documentList = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document]'

# To ensure errors are terminating and we don't get stuck in a loop, use ErrorActionPreference
$eap = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    do {
        if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
            # PowerShell Core
            $documentSet = $search.GetNextSetAsync().Result
            # Windows PowerShell
            $documentSet = $search.GetNextSet()

        # Process the Document objects retrieves in this API call
        foreach ($document in $documentSet)
            # Perform work against each document here, or
            # save each document to an array for processing later
            $null = $documentList.Add($document)
    while (-not $search.IsDone)
    # Take action on exception
    $ErrorActionPreference = $eap
Code Sample: Scan an Amazon DynamoDB Table
# Uses the "dynamodb:Scan" IAM Policy.

# Create the List for storing the retrieved Document objects
$documentList = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document]'

# To ensure errors are terminating and we don't get stuck in a loop, use ErrorActionPreference
$eap = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    $search = $table.Scan($filter)
        if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
            # PowerShell Core
            $documentSet = $search.GetNextSetAsync().Result
            # Windows PowerShell
            $documentSet = $search.GetNextSet()

        # Process the Document objects retrieves in this API call
        foreach ($document in $documentList)
            # Do something with the document or print it for output stream
            ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $document.ToJson()
    while ($search.IsDone -eq $false)
    # Take action on exception
    $ErrorActionPreference = $eap
Code Sample: Delete an item from an Amazon DynamoDB Table
# Uses the "dynamodb:DeleteItem" IAM Policy.

# Create a Document object from a json string.
$json = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @{
    id = 'MyHashKeyValue'
$document = [Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Document]::FromJson($json)

# Perform the PutItem operation. Note the PowerShell Core request is asynchronous.
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
    # PowerShell Core
    # Windows PowerShell
Code Sample: Delete an Amazon DynamoDB Table
# Uses the "dynamodb:DeleteTable" IAM Policy.

Remove-DDBTable -TableName $tableName -Force
Code Sample: Expression Statements When performing conditional actions, you need to specify an Expression Statement. Below are sample Expression Statements.
$key = 'HashKey'
$value = 'HashValue'
$expression = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel.Expression

# Key Begins With
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "begins_with ($key, :evaluation)"
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':evaluation'] = $value

# Key Contains
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "contains ($key, :evaluation)"
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':evaluation'] = $value

# Key Is Not Equal
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "$key <> :evaluation"
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':evaluation'] = $value

# Key Does Not Exist
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "attribute_not_exists ($key)"

# Key Exists
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "attribute_exists ($key)"

# Key Is Equal To
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "$key = :evaluation"
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':evaluation'] = $value

# Key Is Greater Than
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "$key > :evaluation"
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':evaluation'] = $value

# Key Is Greater Than or Equal To
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "$key >= :evaluation"
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':evaluation'] = $value

# Key Is Less Than
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "$key < :evaluation"
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':evaluation'] = $value

# Key Is Less Than or Equal To
$expression.ExpressionStatement = "$key <= :evaluation"
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':evaluation'] = $value

# Key is between two values
$lowValue = 2
$highValue = 10

$expression.ExpressionStatement = "$key BETWEEN :lowvalue AND :highvalue"
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':lowvalue'] = $lowValue
$expression.ExpressionAttributeValues[':highvalue'] = $highValue


.NET Code Samples

Code Sample: Create an Amazon DynamoDB Table Use Pow

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