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Blockchain Innovators: Leveraging Code Samples (3/6)


If you’re interested in the IBM Blockchain Platform, this is a great opportunity to learn how to use the it. We’ll walk you through how to build a simple three-member network on the IBM Blockchain Platform (government, AID.org, and Global Citizen) on which cause-specific pledges and fund transfers are made by the government, registered with aid organizations, and validated by Global Citizen. We will also show you how to leverage the code samples we have created.

This is part 3 in our series: Challenge Accepted: Developing a Blockchain Application with Starter Plan.

Resources for you

Starter Plan: Sign up for the IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan.

Starter Kit: Download the kit to quickly build apps on the IBM Blockchain Platform.


Blockchain Innovators: Leveraging Code Samples (3/6)

Loading… If you’re interested in the IBM Blockchain Platform, this is a great opportunity to learn how to use the it. We’ll walk you through how to build

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二維碼資料     目錄 1. 二維碼QR Code 1 2. 發展歷程 1 3. 特點 2 4. 儲存 3 5. 分類 3 5.1.1. 按原理分 3 6. 區別   與條碼區別 5 7. 什麼是碼制?Q

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Loading… Global Citizen is on a mission to make donations transparent by enabling donors to track and verify the use of their donation. As part of this m

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