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Multiple-VPC VPN Connection Sharing

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) provides customers with the ability to create as many virtual networks as they need. However, when connecting on-premises infrastructure to these networks, they must determine how many remote network connections they need to create.

Some AWS customers establish a single shared connection for multiple VPCs to minimize the number of remote connections they need to configure. Configurations like these can be beneficial because they save time and effort, and simplify network management. For example, each connection to AWS requires infrastructure changes to on-premises production network equipment that, for some customers, can involve lengthy change-approval processes that take weeks or months to implement. In these situations, it is often preferable to reduce the number of network connections to establish in order to free up development teams for more innovative projects that take full advantage of the flexibility and capabilities of the AWS platform. Additionally, the proliferation of IT-as-a-Service offerings requires companies to manage an ever-growing number of remote connections to their technology partners’ networks, which can be daunting and complicated.


Multiple-VPC VPN Connection Sharing

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) provides customers with the ability to create as many virtual networks as they need. However, when

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Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

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