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Multiple Region Multi-VPC Connectivity

You can use a transit VPC not only to provide direct network routing between VPCs and on-premises networks, but also to implement more complex routing rules such as network address translation between overlapping network ranges, or to add additional network-level packet filtering or inspection. However, this approach requires you to configure and manage the EC2-based VPN instances deployed in the transit VPC. We highly recommend using virtual network appliances available in the AWS Marketplace to significantly reduce the level of effort to establish and maintain these VPN connections. As with the previous approach, network traffic is routed over the AWS global network backbone by default, but will fail over to AWS ISP networks in the unlikely event that AWS private network infrastructure is unavailable. This design will result in additional EC2 and, potentially, third-party license charges. Also, be aware that this design will generate additional data-transfer charges for traffic traversing the transit VPC: data is charged when it is sent from a spoke VPC to the transit VPC, and again from the transit VPC to the on-premises network.

For recommended products, search AWS Marketplace for one the following terms: Aviatrix, Cisco CSR 1000V, Fortinet FortiGate, Palo Alto Networks, Sophos UTM, Vyatta.


Multiple Region Multi-VPC Connectivity

You can use a transit VPC not only to provide direct network routing between VPCs and on-premises networks, but also to implement more compl

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Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation

摘要 先前基於深度學習的最先進的場景文字檢測方法可大致分為兩類。第一類將場景文字視為一般物件的型別,並遵循一般物件檢測範例,通過迴歸文字框位置來定位場景文字,但是受到場景文字的任意方向和大縱橫比的困擾。第二個直接分割文字區域,但大多數需要複雜的後期處理。在本文中,我們提出了一種方法,它結合了兩種

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【論文速讀】Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation[2018-CPVR]

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1.0 可能 動態 clas only read action 一個 wip swiper 控件當動態添加時候,會導致混亂。 源碼沒詳細看,筆者猜測可能是每次初始化都有一個唯一ID,所以無法捕捉銷毀。 一.常用失敗解決方案: ①destroy()變量 ②r