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Resources for Government, Education and Nonprofits

Amazon Web Services is Hiring.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring Software Development Engineers, Product Managers, Account Managers, Solutions Architects, Support Engineers, System Engineers, Designers and more. Visit our

careers page to learn more.

Amazon.com is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer – Minority / Female / Disability / Veteran / Gender Identity / Sexual Orientation.


Resources for Government, Education and Nonprofits

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Ask HN: Resources for blind developers and sysadmins?

This is a pretty broad topic, and many people have spent their lives working in the digital inclusion and accessibility space, so I don't mean for this to

67 open source tools and resources for IoT

The idea behind open source has been around for years, long before the movement toward open source software in the late 1980s—even before

Crafting a New Reality for Education and Career Decisions: Lead With UX

Written by: Daniel Salcius | Photo by: Ferdinand StohrCrafting a New Reality for Education and Career Decisions: Lead With UXThe take-away feeling an end u

Ask HN: Resources for small devs to deal with app stores and bureaucracies?

For some background, I write a couple of minor, free and open source extensions for Chrome and Google Sheets. Writing the extensions was pretty easy, but i

AWS Government, Education, & Nonprofits Blog

Government agencies often look to promote new technology for cost-savings and efficiency – but it doesn’t stop there. The second and third-tier

linux bash shell中for的用法and示例

bash shell腳本中for的用法關於linux bash shell中的for語句 在linux中shell是必不可少的一部分,但是在bash shell中有while,for,until等循環命令,今天就介紹一下關於for的一些用法。文中任何錯誤希望大佬們一一指出,不勝感激。bash sh

Convolutional Patch Networks with Spatial Prior for Road Detection and Urban Scene Understanding

line evel linux 程序 providing form ram -s visio Convolutional Patch Networks with Spatial Prior for Road Detection and Urban Sce

[React] Configure a React & Redux Application For Production Deployment and Deploy to Now

hang scrip app class pack pub relative pts als In this lesson, we’ll make a few small changes to our scripts and add some environme

stu--CLEVR: A Diagnostic Dataset for Compositional Language and Elementary Visual Reasoning

stanford ted ets question prior main sed and not https://cs.stanford.edu/people/jcjohns/clevr/ 用於視覺推理的診斷數據集 摘要 介紹 visual question

論文閱讀之FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering

深度 clust 識別 傳統 創新 圖像 進行 rec 大創 名稱:FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering 時間:2015.04.13 來源:CVPR 2015 來自谷歌的

SHRINK SPACE Command : Online Segment Shrink for Tables, LOBs and IOTs

ORACLE-BASE - ALTER TABLE ... SHRINK SPACE Command : Online Segment Shrink for Tables, LOBs and IOTshttps://oracle-base.com/articles/misc/alter-table-shrin

JAVA web專案中的no result defined for action xxxAction and result input 錯誤

No result defined for action and result input 產生這個錯誤的原因:Action中的屬性值為空的時候,Struts2的預設攔截器會報錯,但是又找不到input的Result,不能夠把錯誤返回,所以報這種錯誤。 從上面可知,能夠導致 No r

Best (and Free!!) Resources to Understand Nuts and Bolts of Deep Learning

The internet is filled with tutorials to get started with Deep Learning. You can choose to get started with the superb Stanford courses CS221&nbs

Useful Online Resources for New Hackers

HackerOne喜歡花時間與活躍的黑客和有興趣學習如何破解的人交談。 就在上週,一名十幾歲的黑客獲得了他的第一筆賞金。 最好的部分:他通過閱讀關於HackerOne的公開披露報告來自學黑客。 許多最好的黑客都是自學成才的,這是這種技能組合中真正獨特的方面之一。 黑客不僅可以讓網際網路更安全,還可以為他們的

postman Installation has failed: There was an error while installing the application. Check the setup log for more information and contact the author

Error msg: Installation has failed: There was an error while installing the application. Check the setup log for more information and contact the autho

Parallel.For with await and wait()

  static void Parallel2() { ParallelLoopResult result = Parallel.For(1, 9, i => {

Adaptive Bilateral Filter for Sharpness Enhancement and Noise Removal 閱讀理解

        ABF則是一直新的基於訓練的影象恢復演算法,它的範圍是處理適合數碼攝影的圖片,不考慮那些嚴重退化的影象。影象恢復演算法的廣泛應用的成功將取決於演算法開發的退化模型的一般程度,以及演算法的整體結構對偏離假設的退化模型的程度有多強。 &nb

譯文 FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering

摘要 Despite significant recent advances in the field of face recognition [10, 14, 15, 17], implementing face verification and recognition effic

論文閱讀筆記《Gated Context Aggregation Network for Image Dehazing and Deraining》WACV19

輸出 每一個 為什麽 作用 導致 作者 ont 而不是 簡單的 目錄: 相關鏈接 方法亮點 方法細節 實驗結果 總結與收獲 相關鏈接: 論文:https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.08747 源碼:暫無 方法亮點: 提出端到端的去霧網絡,不