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Pricing for Mobile App Testing

Unmetered plans allow unlimited testing and remote access starting at $250 per month. Unmetered pricing is based on the number of device slots you purchase for each usage type (i.e. automated test or remote access) and device family (i.e. Android or iOS) and are priced at $250 per slot per month. Device slots correspond to concurrency.

For instance, if you purchase ten automated test Android device slots and schedule a run on 100 Android devices, Device Farm will execute your tests on up to ten devices at a time until all tests are completed on your selected devices. Purchasing more slots would enable you to get your results faster. Regardless of how many tests or remote access sessions you have in a month, you are billed at the flat rate of $250 per device slot per month. You can cancel your subscription for one or more device slots at any time and the cancellation will take effect at your next renewal date (the day of the month that you purchased your first active device slot). To learn more, see our docs.


Pricing for Mobile App Testing

Unmetered plans allow unlimited testing and remote access starting at $250 per month. Unmetered pricing is based on the number of devi

Mobile App Testing on Devices

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今日份遇到的 bug : Error:注: 某些輸入檔案使用或覆蓋了已過時的 API。 注: 有關詳細資訊, 請使用 -Xlint:deprecation 重新編譯。 注: 某些輸入檔案使用了未經檢查或不安全的操作。 注: 有關詳細資訊, 請使用 -Xlint:unchec