1. 程式人生 > >šŸŽŠ trivago helps secure webpackā€™s future šŸŽŠ ā€“ webpack ā€“ Medium

šŸŽŠ trivago helps secure webpackā€™s future šŸŽŠ ā€“ webpack ā€“ Medium

šŸŽŠ trivago helps secure webpackā€™s futureĀ šŸŽŠ

With webpack becoming the tool of choice for many companies across the world, its success and that of the companies that rely on it are intertwined. Ensuring the future of webpack is a no brainer for everyone who benefits from it.

Over the past two years we have collaborated with engineers at trivago as webpack is vital to their technology stack. Today we are thrilled to announce t

rivago as the newest sponsor to the webpack open source project.

trivagoā€™s business mission is clear: be the travelerā€™s first and independent source of information for finding the ideal hotel at the lowest rate.

They hold themselves to this responsibility and obsess over their customers to achieve it. At the same time, they believe in open and free experimentation in the workplace. So much that they

own and celebrate the mistakes they make.

The upside down trivago logo is plastered throughout their media outlets, celebrating the mistakes they make, such as unveiling a banner upsideĀ down.

Their technology practices donā€™t stray from this either. Having a build system that is flexible, interoperable, and allowed for experimentation was extremely important to them. webpack continues to fit this bill perfectly.

parallel-webpack: An open source project trivagoā€™s engineering team worked on to optimize their webpackĀ builds.

Open source is at the heart of these ideals. It is no wonder they have such an emphasis on contributing to open source.

Just a few of the many ways trivago is giving back to open source. See their tech blog at tech.trivago.com!
When you make your community your top priority, your roots will dive deep. When you teach, evangelize, love, and support every contributor and user, your ecosystem flourishes in unimaginable ways.

Beyond charity andĀ virtue

Because of Open Collective, we have a platform to not only have transparent use of funds, but also a medium that allows companies to get something back in return.

In trivagoā€™s case, we are going to provide 10 hours of VIP support per month, and an on-site workshop against a year-long sponsorship ($10k per month). The sponsorship allows us to put the funds towards stronger infrastructure, help fund a better test bed for our ecosystem, and reward more webpack contributors for their efforts.

Become a shareholder

Join trivago, and all of our Backers and Sponsors. By sponsoring webpack, you put an investment on the tools you rely on. Plus for larger investments, we believe that ā€œdividendsā€ should be instantly available to you through training, workshops, and VIP support!

If you or your organization are interested in this, please send us an email to [email protected] or reach out to me on twitter.

This is the future of OpenĀ Source

So on behalf of the entire webpack community, thank you trivago. Thank you for paving the way and helping secure this future we envision.


šŸŽŠ trivago helps secure webpackā€™s future šŸŽŠ ā€“ webpack ā€“ Medium

šŸŽŠ trivago helps secure webpackā€™s futureĀ šŸŽŠWith webpack becoming the tool of choice for many companies across the world, its success and that of the

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本文主要介紹webpack的基本原理以及基於webpack搭建前端專案工程化解決方案的思路。 目錄: 為什麼要用webpack webpack的安裝 webpack的配置 github上的小例子 1、webpack入門 Webpack將專案中用到的一切


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(一)什麼是Webpack   Webpack是一個前端的模組管理工具(module bundler),以下是webpack的官網:http://webpack.github.io/,一進入官網可以看到下面這張大圖: 這張圖基本上解釋了webpack是用來幹嘛的,

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一、前言 現在隨著前端開發的複雜度和規模越來越大,鷹不能拋開工程化來獨立開發,比如:react的jsx程式碼必須編譯後才能在瀏覽器中使用,比如sass和less程式碼瀏覽器是不支援的。如果摒棄這些開發框架,開發效率會大幅下降。 在眾多前端工程化工具中,webpack脫穎而出成為了當今最流行的前端構建工具。


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