mysql union出錯: "Every derived table must have its own alias"
SELECT count(*) from (SELECT province_code as area_id, count(*) from t_cas_rural_selected GROUP BY province_code UNION all SELECT city_code as area_id, COUNT(*) from t_cas_rural_selected GROUP BY city_code UNION all SELECT county_code as area_id, COUNT(*) from t_cas_rural_selected GROUP BY county_code)as tTotal
如上,後面加個 as tablename 就可以了,例如:"as tTotal"
mysql union出錯: "Every derived table must have its own alias"
SELECT count(*) from (SELECT province_code as area_id, count(*) from t_cas_rural_selected GROUP BY province_code UNION all SELECT city_code as area_id,
MySQL sql Error 1248: 'Every derived table must have its own alias'
前幾天寫了一條sql 老是報Error 1248: 'Every derived table must have its own alias' 執行結果: 在執行子查詢sql: 執行出結果: 通過查詢翻譯: 通過修改sql: 執行結果:
Mysql從UNION ALL查詢結果集中查詢對應列出現錯誤"Every derived table must have its own alias"
在使用UNION ALL聯合表的時候出現了出現了Every derived table must have its own alias 錯誤 sql如下: SELECT * FROM (S
Every derived table must have its own alias (MYSQL錯誤)
這句話的意思是說每個派生出來的表都必須有一個自己的別名我的Mysql語句是:select count(*) from (select * from dede_spacemoney group by sid) ;當我執行到這裡的時候就丟擲了這個異常,原來我進行巢狀查詢的時候子
yarn出現“There are no scenarios ; must have at least one"
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mysql的sql_quote_show_create與SHOW CREATE TABLE命令介紹
技術背景: 剛開始學習MySQL時候,有時偷懶,會用SHOW CREATE TABLE 表名\G來複製表建立語句,可是當執行的時候總會因為"表名和列名上有單引號",提示語法錯誤不能執行。問題列表: 1,為什麼會出錯呢? 2,有什麼解決方法?解決問題: 1,分析show cre