1. 程式人生 > >英語作文《健康的重要性》


> 1.健康的重要性
> 2. 體育與健康的關係
> 3. 你的看法

Good Health
  Good health is the best reassurance a person can possess. The world, with all its attractions and wonders,

is open to those who have wealth, but they cannot enjoy it unless they have good health. It is very difficult

for a man, no matter how rich, powerful or learned he may be, to be happy without good health. But if he

enjoys good health, a poor and humble man can be happy. There is no doubt, therefore, that“Good health is the

best wealth”
  The human body is wonderful engine .It is far more delicate than a locomotive .Everyone must be the

engineer and fireman of his own body. If well maintained, If it is out of order, its master will suffer. There

are a number of useful rules which will ensure good health if people follow them.
  Cleanliness-The body needs to be kept clean. It should be washed at least once a week in winter and once a

day in summer.
Fresh air- One of the chief constituents of the air is oxygen, which is necessary for life. We ought to see

that our rooms are always full of fresh air.
  Food-Care should be taken that the food is wholesome and suited to the constitution.
  Exercise-The muscle must be all kept exercised, although not to excess.
Sleep-The hours of sleep are very valuable, during which the mind is kept as calm and peaceful as possible. We

cannot have good health unless the brain be renewed by sleep.

Good   Health
  The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good

health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work

in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested

in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful.
  There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find

time to relax because too much stress will affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep

because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one/'s

health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time.
  As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much importance to enough sleep and

relaxation. I believe this will ensure my good health for the rest of my life.

More and more people have noticed the importance of health.(句首,如果是討論的其他問題,好的東西,比如說計算

機,可以替換health)One reason is that , health is the basis of everything to everyone. Moreover(並且,此外

),with good health ,work could be done efficiently(高效地).Obviously, the importance of health can never be

emphasized too much .(健康的重要性不能被強調的再多了 , 意思是 強調到了極限)
However, in modern society ,there some problems with health. It is not easy to make a
complete analysis , but we can find out chief factors.(這句話增加文章的字數,同時流暢的語言也是文章的得分點)
In modern society ,many measures(方法) have been made to improve working and living conditions .

Furthermore(此外,而且),many project have been built ,so people can do exercises
Conveniently . But everything have two sides, on the contrary ,(相反的是……), pollutions, bad habits ,

rapid pace of modern society, unreasonable diet ,pressure from work and life ,and even too easy life have

caused health crisis.(健康危機)(這幾個短句很有用的,我覺得,呵呵)
All in all,(總而言之),modern society has disadvantages as well as advantages to people’s health. We can’t

expect such a complex problem to be solved overnight(一夜之間),yet we have to try our best to check the

harmful tide.(最後的這段都可以用於其他問題的討論)


英語作文 健康重要性

                期末英語作文題目:> 1.健康的重要性> 2. 體育與健康的關係> 3. 你的看法Good Health  Good health is the best reassurance a person can possess. The world, with al


期末英語作文題目:> 1.健康的重要性> 2. 體育與健康的關係> 3. 你的看法Good Health  Good health is the best reassurance a person can possess. The world, with a


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