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Overview of Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio概述

Microsoft Visual Studio is an object-oriented programming environment that runs independently of AutoCAD. While Microsoft Visual Studio is external to AutoCAD and other applications, it is able to interact with applications that expose either a native .NET API or ActiveX/COM library.

Microsoft Visual Studio是不依賴AutoCAD執行的面向物件程式設計環境。雖然Microsoft Visual Studio是AutoCAD及其他應用程式的外部環境,但它能與那些公開了自己的本地.NET API或ActiveX/COM庫的應用程式進行互動。

Topics in this section本節主題

·         Which Edition of Microsoft Visual Studio to Use 使用Visual Studio哪個版本

·         Use COM Interoperability with .NET 使用COM與.NET互動操作

·         Dependencies and Restrictions 依賴性及限制

1、Which Edition of Microsoft Visual Studio to Use使用Visual Studio哪個版本

Microsoft Visual Studio is available in multiple versions and editions. To use the .NET API for AutoCAD 2012, you need to use:

Microsoft Visual Studio有多個版本可用。要是開發AutoCAD 2012 .NET API專案,我們需要使用:

·         Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

·         Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Note Projects compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 with a target of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 should load into AutoCAD 2012 without a problem. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 cannot be used to debug projects loaded in AutoCAD 2012; you must use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 when debugging a project.

注意:由Microsoft Visual Studio 2008編譯的目標為Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5的專案可以載入到AutoCAD2012執行沒有問題。但Microsoft Visual Studio 2008不能用來除錯AutoCAD 2012載入的專案,除錯專案時必須使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2010。

If you are using AutoCAD 2010 or AutoCAD 2011, you should use:

如果使用的是AutoCAD 2010或AutoCAD 2011,則應選擇:

·         Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 with Service Pack 1

·         Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 with Service Pack 1

If you are using AutoCAD 2007 through AutoCAD 2009, you should use:

如果使用的是AutoCAD 2007到AutoCAD 2009,則應選擇:

·         Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

·         Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later (或2.0以上)

Microsoft Visual Studio is offered in two editions: for free and for pay. The free edition is known as Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition, while the for pay editions vary by name and price due to the different development tools that are incorporated into them. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Edition provides improved debugging over Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition along with a number of other features. The most common edition of Microsoft Visual Studio used by developers is Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Edition.

Microsoft Visual Studio有兩種版本供選擇:免費版本和付費版本。免費版本眾所周知就是Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express版,付費版本的名稱和價格因整合的開發工具的不同而異。Microsoft Visual Studio 2010專業版提供了比Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express版改進了的除錯效能及其他許多特性。開發人員最常用的Microsoft Visual Studio版本就是Microsoft Visual Studio 2010專業版。

Note While it is possible to use Microsoft Visual Studio Express with the AutoCAD .NET API, this guide assumes you are using one of the other versions such as Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Edition or Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Premium Edition.

注意:可能有人使用Microsoft Visual Studio Express版進行AutoCAD .NET API開發,但本指南假設你使用的是Microsoft Visual Studio 2010專業版或Microsoft Visual Studio 2010高階版。

There are four main advantages to using Microsoft Visual Studio:

使用Microsoft Visual Studio的四大優勢:

·         Robust and accessible development environment that has a modest learning curve. 強大易用的開發環境,輕鬆的學習過程;

·         VBA and VB.NET syntax are similar, which makes it an ideal environment for existing VBA users. VBA和VB.NET語法相近,是現有VBA開發人員理想的環境;

·         Visually intuitive and extensive dialog box creation tools. 直觀、豐富的對話方塊建立工具;

·         Projects can be built as a standalone executable or DLL assembly which can then be loaded into AutoCAD for execution. 可以將專案生成為獨立的可執行程式或DLL程式集,載入到AutoCAD執行;

Note Unlike VBA projects, .NET applications do not suffer from performance degradation when loaded and run in 64-bit AutoCAD.


2、Use COM Interoperability with .NET使用COM與.NET互操作

Microsoft Visual Studio can utilize both native .NET and COM interfaces in the same project. By utilizing COM interop, you can migrate existing code that might have been written in Visual Basic 6 or VBA without having to completely rewrite it. To access AutoCAD automation objects from a project created in Microsoft Visual Studio, create references to the following files:

Microsoft Visual Studio可以在同一個專案中使用本地.NET和COM兩種介面,這樣我們就可以移植現有的那些用VB6或VBA寫的程式碼而不必完全重寫。要想在Microsoft Visual Studio建立的專案中訪問AutoCAD自動化物件,需要建立對下列檔案的引用:

·         The AutoCAD 2012 type library, acax18enu.tlb, located at <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared. AutoCAD 2012類庫檔案acax18enu.tlb,位於C:\ Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared

·         The AutoCAD/ObjectDBX Common 18.0 type library, axdb18enu.tlb, located at <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared. AutoCAD/ObjectDBX18.0通用類庫檔案axdb18enu.tlb,位於C:\ Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared

Note The previous mentioned type libraries are also available as part of the ObjectARX SDK. For information on downloading and installing the ObjectARX SDK, see Components of the AutoCAD .NET API.

注意:前面提到的類庫檔案還可以從ObjectARX SDK中得到。……

These references will make the following primary interop assemblies available:


·         Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.dll (for AutoCAD-specific typesAutoCAD專有型別)

·         Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common.dll (for types shared by ObjectDBX host applications ObjectDBX宿主應用程式共享型別)

The interop assemblies are located in the global assembly cache; they map automation objects to their .NET counterparts.


After you reference the type libraries, you can declare AutoCAD-based variables in Microsoft Visual Studio, as in the following examples:

引用了這些類庫,我們就可以在Microsoft Visual Studio中宣告AutoCAD變數,像下面的例子:


Dim objAcApp As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication

Dim objLine As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common.AcadLine


Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication objAcApp;

Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common.AcadLine objLine;

Utilizing the interop assemblies can make the transitioning your VBA projects over to VB.NET much easier. However, in order to take full advantage of everything that .NET and the AutoCAD .NET API have to offer, you will need to rewrite your existing VBA code.

應用互操作程式集使得將VBA專案轉換為VB.NET專案更容易。不過,為了充分利用.NET和AutoCAD .NET API提供的全部功能,還是要重寫現有VBA程式碼。

Create and Reference the AutoCAD Application 建立並引用AutoCAD應用程式

AutoCAD 2012 .NET applications can utilize the same type library (acax18enu.tlb) as AutoCAD automation projects. The type library is located in <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared.

AutoCAD 2012 .NET應用程式可以和AutoCAD自動化專案一樣利用相同的類庫(acax18enu.tlb)。該類庫位於c:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared

AutoCAD 2012 .NET applications also use the same version-dependent ProgID for the CreateObject, GetObject, and GetInterfaceObject functions. For example, CreateObject ("AutoCAD.Application.18") allows you to create an instance of AutoCAD and get an object that represents the new instance of the application.

AutoCAD 2012 .NET應用程式的CreateObject、GetObject和GetInterfaceObject函式也使用同樣的依賴版本的ProgID值。例如,CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application.18")允許我們建立一個AutoCAD的例項,並獲取代表應用程式新示例的物件。

3、Dependencies and Restrictions依賴性及限制

Unlike ActiveX Automation, there are fewer issues with library conflicts when other applications are installed, reinstalled, or uninstalled. The reason for fewer compatibility issues is that the .NET Framework is a standardized platform. However, you can still run into dependency issues. To avoid dependency issues with the .NET Framework, be sure to use the same or an earlier version of the .NET Framework with your VB.NET or C# project that AutoCAD 2012 uses. For information on which version of the .NET Framework you should be referencing, see Which Edition of Microsoft Visual Studio to Use.

不像ActiveX Automation,在其他程式安裝、重灌及解除安裝時很少出現庫衝突的情形。很少出現相容問題的原因在於.NET Framework是一個標準化的平臺。不過,還是會遇到依賴性問題。要避免.NET Framework依賴性問題,應確保使用與AutoCAD2012所用.NET Framework相同或更早的版本來開發VB.NET或C#專案。更多資訊見使用Microsoft Visual Studio哪個版本。



Overview of Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio概述 Microsoft Visual Studio is an object-oriented programming environment that

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1、AutoCAD .NET API由不同的DLL檔案組成,它們提供用於訪問圖形檔案或AutoCAD應用程式的包含豐富的類、結構、方法和事件。每一個DLL檔案都定義不同的使用基於功能的庫組織元件的名稱空間。 下面是你將頻繁地要使用的AutoCAD .NET API 的三個主要的DLL檔案: