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AWS | Automotive | Digital Consumer Engagement

Today's automotive customer expects to engage and experience your brand at multiple touchpoints throughout the customer journey. Providing a personalized, consistent and engaging automotive experience across your various channels is key to building and maintaining brand loyalty.

AWS infrastructure can grow and shrink to meet your needs, and AWS only charges you for the resources you use, with no up-front costs or long-term contracts.

AWS DevOps tools help your teams manage complex environments at scale, and support the high velocity demanded by your marketing teams.


AWS | Automotive | Digital Consumer Engagement

Today's automotive customer expects to engage and experience your brand at multiple touchpoints throughout the customer journey. Providing a pers

AWS for Digital Marketing

AWS’ global availability zones and regions, edge locations, and data caching options help you move quickly in every major market. Minimize late

FOX Digital Consumer Group Case Study

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

AWS | Automotive | Connected Vehicles

AWS' connected vehicle solutions enable you to easily integrate a wide variety of digital services to enhance your brand experience and integrate

AWS | Automotive| ADAS and Autonomous Driving

Developing and deploying Advanced Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicle Systems requires the ability to collect, store and manage massive amou

Wazee Digital Presentation on AWS Snowball

Learn how Wazee Digital, a leader in cloud-based enterprise video management, used AWS Snowball and Snowball Edge to migrate millions of video

AWS Case Studies for Digital Marketing

As a three-man startup born in the AWS Cloud, CleverTap has gone from processing 50 million events per month to 55 billion in just 3.5 years, w

AWS Case Study: General Electric's Digital Transformation

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Submit a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Notice to AWS

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act is the United States law against circumvention of copyright protection. It includes provisions against bot

AWS Digital and Classroom Training

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

AWS Case Study: Hungama Digital Media Entertainment

According to Hungama, the flexibility of the pay-as-you go model and cost savings resulting from cloud computing is a crucial competitive advan

AWS Marketplace: Engagement Suite Essentials

AWS Marketplace is hiring! Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Am

AWS | AWS for Automotive

From global automakers and Tier I automotive suppliers to the latest mobility startup, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is helping automotive companies

Aws Dynamodb數據導出到S3

com 結構 tables create amr 成功 mon nag htm 本節將描寫敘述怎樣從一個或多個DynamoDB的表導出數據到S3的bucket中。在運行導出之前你須要提前創建好S3的bucket。 註意 假設你還沒有使用過AWS Data Pipelin

ActiveMQ(19):Consumer高級特性之獨有消費者(Exclusive Consumer

consumer高級特性之獨有消費者(exclusive consumer)一、簡介Queue中的消息是按照順序被分發到consumers的。然而,當你有多個consumers同時從相同的queue中提取消息時,你將失去這個保證。因為這些消息是被多個線程並發的處理。有的時候,保證消息按照順序處理是很重要的。如

ActiveMQ(20):Consumer高級特性之重新投遞(Redelivery Policy)

jms activemq 重新投遞 一、簡介ActiveMQ在接收消息的Client有以下幾種操作的時候,需要重新傳遞消息: 1:Client用了transactions,且在session中調用了rollback() 2:Client用了transactions,且在調用commit()之前關閉

.net Kafka.Client多個Consumer Group對Topic消費不能完全覆蓋研究總結(二)

eight 分享 stat .com ima topic consumer 閱讀 padding 依據Partition和Consumer的Rebalance策略,找到Kafka.Client Rebalance代碼塊,還原本地環境,跟蹤調試,發現自定義Consumer G

ActiveMQ(23):Consumer高級特性之Message dispatche async、Consumer Priority與Message Selectors

jms activemq message dispatche async consumer priority message selectors 一、Message dispatche async(消息異步分發)在activemq4.0以後,你可以選擇broker同步或異步的把消息分發給消

ActiveMQ(22):Consumer高級特性之消息分組(Message Groups)

jms message groups activemq 一、簡介Message Groups就是對消息分組,它是Exclusive Consumer功能的增強。邏輯上,Message Groups 可以看成是一種並發的Exclusive Consumer。跟所有的消息都由唯一的consumer處理

ActiveMQ(24):Consumer高級特性之Slow Consumer Handling(慢消費者的處理)

jms activemq slow consumer handling 慢消費者的處理 一、Prefetch機制ActiveMQ通過Prefetch機制來提高性能,方式是在客戶端的內存裏可能會緩存一定數量的消息。緩存消息的數量由prefetch limit來控制。當某個consumer的pre