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AWS Greengrass FAQs

AWS Greengrass is software that lets you run local compute, messaging, data caching, sync, and ML inference capabilities on connected devices in a secure way. With AWS Greengrass, connected devices can run AWS Lambda functions, execute predictions based on machine learning models, keep device data in sync, and communicate with other devices securely – even when not connected to the Internet.

AWS Greengrass seamlessly extends AWS to devices so they can act locally on the data they generate, while still using the cloud for management, analytics, and durable storage. With Greengrass, you can use familiar languages and programming models to create your device software in the cloud, and then deploy it to your devices. AWS Greengrass can be programmed to filter device data and only transmit necessary information back to the cloud.

For more information about the features of AWS Greengrass, click here.

ML Inference is a feature of AWS Greengrass that makes it easy to perform machine learning inference locally on Greengrass devices using models that are built and trained in the cloud. To learn more about Greengrass ML Inference,

click here.


AWS Greengrass FAQs

AWS Greengrass is software that lets you run local compute, messaging, data caching, sync, and ML inference capabilities on connected devices in

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AWS Greengrass

Des frais supplémentaires peuvent vous être facturés par AWS Greengrass si vos applications utilisent d'autres services AWS ou transfèrent des d

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Computing and data processing within the confines of a data center or office is easy. You can generally count on good connectivity and a steady su

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AWS Greengrass is software that lets you run local compute , messaging, data caching, and sync capabilities for conne

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示例 1 – 以下示例假設有 3 個 AWS Greengrass Core 裝置在 11 個月內處於活躍狀態: 裝置 A – 此 AWS Greengrass Core 裝置在一月份啟動,在十一月底關閉。此裝置啟動後,系統提供新的 Lambda 函

AWS Greengrass

ML Inference is a feature of Greengrass that makes it easy to perform machine learning inference locally on Greengrass devices using models that a

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AWS Greengrass 常見問題

AWS Greengrass 是允許您以安全方式在互聯裝置上執行本地計算、訊息收發、資料快取、同步和 ML Inference 功能的軟體。藉助 AWS Greengrass,連線的裝置可以執行 AWS Lambda 函式、基於機器學習模型執行預測,保持裝置資料同步以及與其他裝置安全通訊

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  IoT 的諸多場景中,邊緣計算有很多需求。比如,不是每個物聯網裝置都能連線到網際網路,從而連線雲上物聯網服務。還比如有一些資料安全考慮,不允許將某些資料發到雲上。因此,AWS 釋出了 Greengrass 服務,用於支援物聯網場景中的邊緣計算。  1. AWS IoT Greengr

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