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AWS Config FAQs

Q: How will I be charged for AWS Config and AWS Config rules?

With AWS Config, you are charged based on the number configuration items (CIs) recorded for supported resources in your AWS account. AWS Config creates a configuration item whenever it detects a change to a resource type that it is recording.

For example, if AWS Config is recording Amazon S3 buckets, AWS Config creates a configuration item whenever a bucket is created, updated, or deleted. You are charged for recording the CI, as it represents the change. There is no additional fee for retaining the CI or any up-front commitment. You can stop recording CIs at any time and continue to access the CIs previously recorded. Charges per CI are rolled up into your monthly bill. See

pricing details.

If you are using AWS Config rules, you will be charged a monthly amount based on the number of active AWS Config rules. When a rule runs checks against a resource, the result is recorded as an 'evaluation' based on active AWS Config rules in that month. A rule is considered active if it has one or more evaluations in a month.

Pricing tiers with AWS Config rules are designed to accommodate usage at scale. As rules are evaluated across multiple accounts in your organization during a month, the first 10 active rules in a given Region are charged at $2.00 each, the next 40 active rules are charged at $1.50 each and any additional active rules are charged at $1.00 each. Similar tiers are applied across other Regions. Details on pricing by Region are available on the AWS Config pricing page.

AWS Config also delivers configuration snapshot and history files to your Amazon S3 bucket and sends notifications to your Amazon SNS topic. Standard rates for Amazon S3 and Amazon SNS apply. If you are creating your own AWS Lambda functions for authoring custom AWS Config rules, then standard rates for AWS Lambda apply.


AWS Config FAQs

Q: How will I be charged for AWS Config and AWS Config rules? With AWS Config, you are charged based on the number configuration i

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