Golang Http Handlers as Middleware
Most modern web stacks allow the “filtering” of requests via stackable/composable middleware, allowing you to cleanly separate cross-cutting concerns from your web application. This weekend I needed to hook into go’shttp.FileServer
was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to do.
Let’s start with a basic file server for /tmp
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This starts up a local file server at :8080. How can we hook into this so we can run some code before file requests are served? Let’s look at the method signature for http.ListenAndServe
So it looks like http.FileServer
a Handler
that knows how to serve files
given a root directory. Now let’s look at the Handler
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Because of go’s granular interfaces, any object can be a Handler
. It
seems all we need to do is construct our own Handler
wraps http.FileServer
’s handler. There’s
a built in helper for turning ordinary functions into handlers called http.HandlerFunc
Then we just wrap http.FileServer
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Go has a bunch of other builtin handlers like TimeoutHandler and RedirectHandler that can be mixed and matched the same way.
type TraceHandler struct {
h http.Handler
n int
func (r *TraceHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
fmt.Printf("counter = %d\n", r.n) //why counter always zero
fmt.Println("get", req.URL.Path, " from ", req.RemoteAddr)
r.h.ServeHTTP(w, req)
func main() {
port := "9090" //Default port
if len(os.Args) > 1 {
port = strings.Join(os.Args[1:2], "")
h := http.StripPrefix("/icclogs/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./logs/")))
http.Handle("/icclogs/", &TraceHandler{h: h, n: 0})
println("Listening on port ", port, "...")
err := http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, nil) //設定監聽的埠
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("ListenAndServe: ", err)
Golang Http Handlers as Middleware
From: http://capotej.com/ 轉者按:本文介紹瞭如何hook一個http的處理函式,從而加入自定義的內容。 Most modern web stacks allow the “filtering” of requests via stackabl
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golang http gzip
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golang http 伺服器程式設計 1. 初識 http 是典型的 C/S 架構,客戶端向服務端傳送請求(request),服務端做出應答(response)。 golang 的標準庫 net/http 提供了 http 程式設計有關的介面,封裝了內部TCP連線和報文解析的複雜瑣碎的細節,使
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docker(8):使用alpinelinux 構建 golang http 看看能有多小
1,alpine linux 非常小 首先 alpine 非常的小,安裝上了bash 之後也才 5mb。 golang 不需要其他的依賴,想看看是不是能在 alpine 上面跑呢。 搭建一個golang的環境,而不是把golang的環境放到alpine
golang http server原始碼解讀
1. 初識 http 是典型的 C/S 架構,客戶端向服務端傳送請求(request),服務端做出應答(response)。 golang 的標準庫 net/http 提供了 http 程式設計有關的介面,封裝了內部TCP連線和報文解析的複雜瑣碎的細節,使用者只需要和
golang http 中介軟體
Processing HTTP requests with Go is primarily about two things: ServeMuxes and Handlers. A ServeMux is essentially a HTTP request route
golang http獲取上傳檔案 小記
r.ParseMultipartForm(32 << 20) //分配獲取資訊記憶體 file, handler, err := r.FormFile("uploadfile") //name的欄位 if err !=
golang http 程式設計-1(伺服器程式設計)
http 程式設計 http常見請求方法 1. Get 請求,請求一個頁面或者資訊 2. Post 請求, 提交一個表單給伺服器使用 3. Put 請求,建立一個資源,一般上傳檔案使用該方法 4. Delete請求,刪除一個資訊使用
golang http 連線超時和傳輸超時
golang 測試程式碼 package main import ( "net/http" "net/url" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "time
golang http.FileServer 遇到的坑
上次寫了一個2行實現一個靜態伺服器的 文章 今天群裡有個哥們是這麼寫居然返回的是404 見鬼了嘛?? http.handle("/js", http.FileServer(http.Dir("js")) http.ListenAndServe("8080",