1. 程式人生 > >IELTS12 Test5 It is good to share as much information as possible in any areas

IELTS12 Test5 It is good to share as much information as possible in any areas

這是IELTS12 Test5的一個話題,題目主要是講分享資訊的重要性討論,我列舉了我在科研上遇到的資訊分享的問題,並鼓勵大家進行分享,當然,有很多人處於種種原因,不願意進行分享,我們要尊重他們,不能責怪他們。還有一些人打著分享的名號進行商業資訊竊取等違規活動,這是要盡力不免的。


Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to shared freely.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

My writing

With the development of science and technology, the world that we are living is better and better now. However, on the background of Big Data and free access of the Internet, information becomes a vital necessity to every professional people, whoever you are, a researcher, a businessman, or a politician, you can be successful if you have enough information. But we can’t force everyone to share his or her information, we should encourage this kind behavior.
I can’t agree with the people more that it is good to share as much information as possible in any areas. Let me give you an example in detail, in terms of scientific search in computer science, every time I read journals, I was eager to know more about the experiments that the journals mentioned, usually, I would send an email to the author, some warmhearted  researchers would give me give me necessary guidance and the source code of the experiment; but there exists a number of people who refused my requests for the detail of the experiment, which made me feel sad at that moment. I felt strongly grateful for the people who did me a favor, at the same time., I felt a bit disappointed for the people who denied my requests. In most cases, sharing information with other people is not only good for the other related people, but also promote the prosperity of this research area, which is even potentially good for the individual in return.
I have to admit that some information is too important to be shared freely. Perhaps you have your own purposes. You spend years retaining the information and resources, it is comprehensible for you not to share the resources, to some extent, it’s your fortune. It’s okay to preserve their intelligent property, trade secrets and so on, and  we should not interfere their behaviors. But if the information is very useful for non-profit organizations or individuals, I am wondering whether you can share some of information by negotiating with each other.
In the end, sharing information is a kind of virtue, we should encourage such kind behavior, what we can’t bear is that some people will steal the commercial value in the name of sharing. I encourage people not to be selfish, and don’t let sharing information become a tool to doing something evil.


IELTS12 Test5 It is good to share as much information as possible in any areas

這是IELTS12 Test5的一個話題,題目主要是講分享資訊的重要性討論,我列舉了我在科研上遇到的資訊分享的問題,並鼓勵大家進行分享,當然,有很多人處於種種原因,不願意進行分享,我們要尊重他們,不能責怪他們。還有一些人打著分享的名號進行商業資訊竊取等違規活動,這是要盡力不

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