1. 程式人生 > >一起看看MonoBehavior內部事件執行順序



或許對於大部分Unity3D程式設計師來說,第一次接觸指令碼編寫的時候都是從MonoBehavior開始的。MonoBehavior是Uniy3d指令碼編寫核心的類之一, 它預先定義好了很多事件,並且這些事件按照預先定義好順序執行。瞭解MonoBehavior提供的這些事件的執行順序,是我們進一步提高腳步程式設計和了解Unity3D內部邏輯的必要一步。我們先從MonoBehavior提供的事件說起。


MonoBehavior提供的事件從編輯器到遊戲結束都有涉及。下面列舉一些常用的,更詳列表可以參照 這個頁面


名稱 註釋
Reset Reset to default values.


名稱 註釋
FixedUpdate This function is called every fixed framerate frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled.
Update Update is called every frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled.
LateUpdate LateUpdate is called every frame, if the Behaviour is enabled.


名稱 註釋
Awake Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded.
OnEnable This function is called when the object becomes enabled and active.
OnDisable This function is called when the behaviour becomes disabled () or inactive.
OnDestroy This function is called when the MonoBehaviour will be destroyed.
OnApplicationFocus Sent to all game objects when the player gets or loses focus.
OnApplicationPause Sent to all game objects when the player pauses.
OnApplicationQuit Sent to all game objects before the application is quit.
Start Start is called on the frame when a script is enabled just before any of the Update methods is called the first time.


名稱 註釋
OnCollisionEnter OnCollisionEnter is called when this collider/rigidbody has begun touching another rigidbody/collider.
OnCollisionStay OnCollisionStay is called once per frame for every collider/rigidbody that is touching rigidbody/collider.
OnCollisionExit OnCollisionExit is called when this collider/rigidbody has stopped touching another rigidbody/collider.
OnCollisionEnter2D Sent when an incoming collider makes contact with this object’s collider (2D physics only).
OnCollisionStay2D Sent each frame where a collider on another object is touching this object’s collider (2D physics only).
OnCollisionExit2D Sent when a collider on another object stops touching this object’s collider (2D physics only).
OnTriggerEnter OnTriggerEnter is called when the Collider other enters the trigger.
OnTriggerStay OnTriggerStay is called once per frame for every Collider other that is touching the trigger.
OnTriggerExit OnTriggerExit is called when the Collider other has stopped touching the trigger.
OnTriggerEnter2D Sent when another object enters a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only).
OnTriggerStay2D Sent each frame where another object is within a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only).
OnTriggerExit2D Sent when another object leaves a trigger collider attached to this object (2D physics only).


名稱 註釋
OnMouseDown OnMouseDown is called when the user has pressed the mouse button while over the GUIElement or Collider.
OnMouseOver OnMouseOver is called every frame while the mouse is over the GUIElement or Collider.
OnMouseUp OnMouseUp is called when the user has released the mouse button.
OnMouseDrag OnMouseDrag is called when the user has clicked on a GUIElement or Collider and is still holding down the mouse.
OnMouseEnter OnMouseEnter is called when the mouse entered the GUIElement or Collider.
OnMouseExit OnMouseExit is called when the mouse is not any longer over the GUIElement or Collider.
OnMouseUpAsButton OnMouseUpAsButton is only called when the mouse is released over the same GUIElement or Collider as it was pressed.


名稱 註釋
OnPreCull OnPreCull is called before a camera culls the scene.
OnBecameVisible OnBecameVisible is called when the renderer became visible by any camera.
OnBecameInvisible OnBecameInvisible is called when the renderer is no longer visible by any camera.
OnWillRenderObject OnWillRenderObject is called once for each camera if the object is visible.
OnPreRender OnPreRender is called before a camera starts rendering the scene.
OnRenderObject OnRenderObject is called after camera has rendered the scene.
OnPostRender OnPostRender is called after a camera finished rendering the scene.
OnRenderImage OnRenderImage is called after all rendering is complete to render image.
OnGUI OnGUI is called for rendering and handling GUI events.
OnDrawGizmos Implement OnDrawGizmos if you want to draw gizmos that are also pickable and always drawn.




  • 首次載入場景時執行Awake()
  • Start()只在第一幀才執行, Start()Awake()之後執行
  • Update的執行順序是: FixedUpdate() -> Update() -> LateUpdate()
  • 以每一幀的Update()事件作分界線:
    • Update()之前物理系統輸入系統相關事件先執行,如OnTriggerXXXOnMouseXXX事件。此處XXX是佔位符,如OnTriggerXXX可以代表OnTriggerEnter或者OnTriggerExit
    • Update()之後場景渲染協程,如OnRenderImage()yield WWW語句
  • 協程中,除了WaitForFixedUpdate是在FixedUpdate之後,Update之前執行,其他的都是在Update之後,場景渲染前執行
  • GUI事件OnGUI在場景渲染完之後執行
  • 當物件被銷燬時執行OnDestory()事件
  • 當遊戲退出時執行OnApplicationQuit()
  • OnEnable()OnDisable()
    • OnEnable()只有在Object是Active的狀態下才能用,一般是Object被初始化或者Object從disable到active過程中被呼叫
    • OnDisable()只有到Object從active到disable狀態才被呼叫



寫在最前面 或許對於大部分Unity3D程式設計師來說,第一次接觸指令碼編寫的時候都是從MonoBehavior開始的。MonoBehavior是Uniy3d指令碼編寫核心的類之一, 它預先定義好了很多事件,並且這些事件按照預先定義好順序執行。瞭解MonoBehavior提供的這些事件的執行順序,是我們進


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本文通過實驗梳理第一週訓練營視訊中所提到的知識點,便於大家複習鞏固,也便於自己日後查閱。視訊內容主要分為三個部分: MonoBehavior的執行順序 碰撞事件 滑鼠事件 配合視訊使用效果更佳。 1.MonoBehavior的執行順序


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物體A: public class A:{    B b;    void FixedUpdate(){        if(input.GetKeyDow(Keycode.I)) {     &nb