1. 程式人生 > >Oracle UTL_HTTP(收集彙總有用資料)

Oracle UTL_HTTP(收集彙總有用資料)

Usage Notes

If cookie support is enabled for an HTTP request, all cookies saved in the current session and applicable to the request are returned to the Web server in the request in accordance with HTTP cookie specification standards. Cookies set in the response to the request are saved in the current session for return to the Web server in the subsequent requests if cookie support is enabled for those requests. If the cookie support is disabled for an HTTP request, no cookies are returned to the Web server in the request and the cookies set in the response to the request are not saved in the current session, although the Set-Cookie

HTTP headers can still be retrieved from the response.

Cookie support is enabled by default for all HTTP requests in a database user session. The default setting of the cookie support (enabled versus disabled) affects only the future requests and has no effect on the existing ones. After your request is created, the cookie support setting may be changed by using the other SET_COOKIE_SUPPORT

 procedure that operates on a request.

The default maximum number of cookies saved in the current session is 20 for each site and 300 total.

If you lower the maximum total number of cookies or the maximum number of cookies for each Web site, the oldest cookies will be purged first to reduce the number of cookies to the lowered maximum. HTTP cookies saved in the current session last for the duration of the database session only; there is no persistent storage for the cookies. Cookies saved in the current session are not cleared if you disable cookie support.

See "Examples" for how to use GET_COOKIES and ADD_COOKIES to retrieve, save, and restore cookies.


Oracle UTL_HTTP收集彙總有用資料

Usage Notes If cookie support is enabled for an HTTP request, all cookies saved in the current session and applicable to the request are returned to t



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