1. 程式人生 > >解決Pandoc wasn't found.pdflatex not found on PATH

解決Pandoc wasn't found.pdflatex not found on PATH

解決nbconvert failed: Pandoc wasn’t found.解決nbconvert failed: pdflatex not found on PATH


500 : Internal Server Error
nbconvert failed: Pandoc wasn’t found.
Please check that pandoc is installed:

<img src='./../imgs/Pythontopdf/問題1.png' style='width: 50%'/>


500 : Internal Server Error
nbconvert failed: pdflatex not found on PATH

<img src='./../imgs/Pythontopdf/問題2.png' style='width: 50%'/>


1. 安裝pandoc


(如果程式沒有自動配置環境變數)需要手動配置環境變數,把安裝路徑配置到系統path中。如我的是將E:\IDE\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64放置path中。

<img src='./../imgs/Pythontopdf/path.png' style='width: 50%'/>

3. 安裝各種巨集包


<img src='./../imgs/Pythontopdf/轉換.png' style='width: 50%'/>

自動提示安裝各種巨集包 直接點選安裝即可(安裝數次,直到安裝完畢。。。)

<img src='./../imgs/Pythontopdf/安裝plt.png' style='width: 50%'/>

<img src='./../imgs/Pythontopdf/安裝plt1.png' style='width: 50%'/>


<img src='./../imgs/Pythontopdf/安裝plt2.png' style='width: 50%'/>


<img src='./../imgs/Pythontopdf/轉換成功.png' style='width: 50%'/>



解決Pandoc wasn't found.pdflatex not found on PATH

解決nbconvert failed: Pandoc wasn’t found.解決nbconvert failed: pdflatex not found on PATH 問題1描述 500 : Internal Server Error nbcon

解決nbconvert failed: Pandoc wasnt found. Please check that pandoc is installed:

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