1. 程式人生 > >Leetcode 146 LRU Cache(雙向連結串列+STL)

Leetcode 146 LRU Cache(雙向連結串列+STL)


class LRUCache {
		class Node {
				Node(int key, int val): key(key), val(val), pre(NULL), nex(NULL) {}
				int key;
				int val;
				Node* pre;
				Node* nex;

		Node* head;
		Node* tail;
		int capacity;
		int size;
		map<int, Node*> cached;

		LRUCache(int capacity) {
			this->size = 0;
			this->capacity = capacity;
			this->head = NULL;
			this->tail = NULL;

		void moveToHead(Node* curr) {
			if (curr == head) return;

			Node* pre = curr->pre;
			Node* nex = curr->nex;

			if (pre != NULL) pre->nex = nex;
			if (nex != NULL) nex->pre = pre;

			if (tail == curr) tail = pre;
			head->pre = curr;
			curr->nex = head;
			curr->pre = NULL;
			head = curr;

		int get(int key) {
			if (capacity == 0) return -1;

			if (cached.count(key)) {
				Node* temp = cached[key];
				return temp->val;
			return -1;

		void put(int key, int value) {
			if (capacity == 0) return;

			if (cached.count(key)) {
				cached[key]->val = value;

			Node* temp = new Node(key, value);
			temp->pre = NULL;
			temp->nex = head;

			if (head != NULL) head->pre = temp;
			head = temp;

			if (tail == NULL) tail = temp;

			cached[key] = temp;

			if (size > capacity) {
				if (cached[tail->key] == tail)
				Node* last = tail;
				tail = tail->pre;
				tail->nex = NULL;
				delete last;

 * Your LRUCache object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * LRUCache obj = new LRUCache(capacity);
 * int param_1 = obj.get(key);
 * obj.put(key,value);


Leetcode 146 LRU Cache雙向連結串列+STL


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雙向連結串列實現LRU Cache注意1.各種邊界條件(改節點位置的時候考慮節點目前的位置)       2.查詢到,插入(分update,set)都要考慮找到元素的位置的修改。複雜度get,set為O(n)public class LRUCache { int ca


1.引子 1.1.為什麼要學習資料結構與演算法? 有人說,資料結構與演算法,計算機網路,與作業系統都一樣,脫離日常開發,除了面試這輩子可能都用不到呀! 有人說,我是做業務開發的,只要熟練API,熟練框架,熟練各種中介軟體,寫的程式碼不也能“飛”起來嗎? 於是問題來了:為什麼還要學習資料結構與演算法呢?