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Serverless Swift for mobile developers

If you are an iOS developer, you are probably already using Swift. Did you know you can also use Swift on the server side and can incorporate it into serverless web functions? In this presentation and code demo, Carlos Santana builds a simple REST API and deploys it as a serverless function in minutes using OpenWhisk.


Serverless Swift for mobile developers

If you are an iOS developer, you are probably already using Swift. Did you know you can also use Swift on the server side and can inc

ShadowGun: Optimizing for Mobile Sample Level

logs blank post target https tps unity blog .com https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/03/23/shadowgun-optimizing-for-mobile-sample-level/Shadow

【翻譯】Motion Blur for mobile devices in Unity

采樣 nim 模糊效果 步驟 深度 put ++ 足夠 函數 原文鏈接:https://tech.spaceapegames.com/2018/09/06/motion-blur-for-mobile-devices-in-unity/ 什麽是運動模糊?-What is M

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Do-it-yourself NLP for bot developers

我相信在大多數情況下,聊天機器人的開發者構建自己的自然語言解析器,而不是使用第三方雲端API,是有意義的選擇。 這樣做有很好的戰略性和技術性方面的依據,我將向你展示自己實現NLP有多麼簡單。 這篇文章包含3個部分: 為什麼要自己做 最簡單的實現也很有效 你可以真正用起來的東西

Blockchain Programming for New Developers — II

Blockchain Programming for New Developers — II https://medium.com/@jesus_notchrist/blockchain-programming-for-new-developers-ii-a91afe83011d The L

Blockchain Programming for New Developers — I

Blockchain Programming for New Developers — I https://medium.com/@jesus_notchrist/blockchain-programming-for-new-developers-i-29d795b629fe Program

Machine Learning for iOS Developers iOS開發者的機器學習教程 Lynda課程中文字幕

Machine Learning for iOS Developers 中文字幕 iOS開發者的機器學習教程 中文字幕Machine Learning for iOS Developers 您是否想構建自定義機器學習模型來增強您的iOS應用程式? 即使您不是機器學習專家,Core

Docker for .Net Developers(part1:Docker基本概念介紹)

一、什麼是Docker 目前,.Net 社群中很可能會用到的兩個詞是“微服務”和“Docker”。 這兩個主題都非常引人注目,併為開發人員和架構師帶來興奮之情。 在這個新系列的部落格文章中,我把自己最近學習Docker的總結分享出來,希望對你有幫助。 (一)在聊什麼是Docker時,我們先看看在虛擬化

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A job board for PHP developers | Hacker News

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Reduce JavaScript for Mobile Web

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Show HN: Crash course in Qt for C++ developers

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Flutter For Android Developers : How to design FrameLayout in Flutter.

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