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ON developerWorks: Jump into IBM and containers, Spring, and Open J9

Get the jump on the future of secure, smart and scalable software

At KubeCon, IBM’s Doug Tidwell talks about the IBM Index Conference, an open, developer community event where you can learn from industry experts how to develop the future of secure, smart and scalable software solutions.


ON developerWorks: Jump into IBM and containers, Spring, and Open J9

Get the jump on the future of secure, smart and scalable software At KubeCon, IBM’s Doug Tidwell talks about the IBM Index Conference, an open, developer

Spring, containers, Open J9, and IBM middleware

Video & podcast producer & Strategist for developerWorks. I've also been a radio reporter and show director for programming on Public Radio Interna

Using Docker images and containers on your machine

Doug Tidwell is a Senior Software Engineer at IBM. His job as a content strategist for the developerWorks team is to figure out how to deliver as much usef

CAPI on IBM Power Systems features and benefits

Flexible programming model Application developers determine the best programming model for their application.

Codeforces Round #477 (rated, Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2018 Round 3) C. Stairs and Elevators【二分查找】

section wal cstring describe test mathjax tar include max In the year of 30XX30XX participants of some world programming champi

Codeforces Round #512 (Div. 2, based on Technocup 2019 Elimination Round 1) C. Vasya and Golden Ticket

足夠 scan property ++ inter digits pos 通過 題意 C. Vasya and Golden Ticket time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes

A feasibility study on SSVEP-based interaction with motivating and immersive virtual and augmented r

A feasibility study on SSVEP-based interaction with motivating and immersive virtual and augmented reality 基於SSVEP的互動與刺激和沉浸式虛擬和增強現實的可行性研究

Freetype-On Slight Hinting, Proper Text Rendering, Stem Darkening and LCD Filters

On Slight Hinting, Proper Text Rendering, Stem Darkening and LCD Filters 本文最初是為FreeType的2.6.2版本編寫的,並解釋了幾個功能的技術背景。 這些資訊被認為足夠有用,可以新增到文

Codeforces Round #512 (Div. 2, based on Technocup 2019 Elimination Round 1) B. Vasya and Cornfield

題解 題目大意 n和d 還有m個點的x y座標 問座標是否在(0, d) (d, 0) (n-d, n) (n, n-d)四個點圍城的矩形內 判斷矩形不好判斷 可以判斷是否在四個角的三角形內 不包括邊上 AC程式碼 #include <stdio.h>

TSA to launch facial recognition on domestic flights in bid to eliminate lines and passports

Facial recognition is about to become an increasingly common security measure at US airports. The Transportation Security Administration has published a ro

A Rare Peek into IBM's True North Neuromorphic Chip

On that note, here is the TPU3 patent in its full glory. And while we are at it, an interesting look at how Facebook has re-architected the convolutional n

Black Friday 2018: Save up to $100 on select Sonos wireless speakers at Amazon, Walmart, and more

If you want to give the gift of amazing home audio, then Black Friday and Cyber Week are your best chances to save with this amazing sale on Sonos speakers

Spring Data JPA從入門到精通》 andSpring Data JPA 實戰》 張振華.Jack --我的書

《Spring Data JPA從入門到精通》購買地址:本書初衷隨著Java技術和微服務技術逐漸廣泛應用,Spring Cloud、Spring Boot逐漸統一Java的框架江湖。市場上的ORM框架也逐漸被人重視起來。Spring Data逐漸走入Java開發者的視野,被很

從.Net到Java學習第二篇——IDEA and start spring boot

  所謂工欲善其事,必先利其器,做java開發也一樣,在比較了目前最流行的幾個java IDE(eclipse,myeclipse、IDEA)之後,我果斷選擇IDEA。要知道,寫程式碼的水平可以是一坨屎,但是開發工具一定要用最好的,就像一個人武功很差,又不拿一把像樣的兵器在手的話,根本就沒法闖蕩江湖,分分

on developerworks

Mozilla’s Sandra Persing talks about the Mozilla roadshow and the latest concerns and excitement-generating technologies coders are buzzing about.

IBM Power Systems Cloud and Virtualization Performance

IBM Corporation 2017® IBM, the IBM logo, ibm.com, POWER and POWER8 are trademarks of the International Business Machines

Caching the result of methods using Spring and EHCache


Touchdown on Mars! NASA's InSight rover survives 'six and a half minutes of terror' landing

'My lens cover isn't off yet, but I just had to show you a first look at my new home.' While NASA has numerous Mars landings under its belt, similar attemp

Java EE Servers and Containers

Java EE伺服器是實現Java EE平臺api並提供標準Java EE服務的伺服器應用程式。Java EE伺服器有時被稱為應用伺服器,因為它們允許您向客戶機提供應用程式資料,就像web伺服器為web瀏覽器服務web頁面一樣。 Java EE伺服器承載了多個

The history of spring and design concept

-h 表達式 基本 咨詢 minor 復雜 factor rest wro Spring 框架的歷史 起點 2002 年 10 月,Rod Johnson 撰寫了一本名為 Expert One-on-One J2EE 設計和開發的書。本書由 Wrox出版,介紹了當時