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Using Docker images and containers on your machine


Using Docker images and containers on your machine

Doug Tidwell is a Senior Software Engineer at IBM. His job as a content strategist for the developerWorks team is to figure out how to deliver as much usef

How to predict likes and shares based on your article’s title using Machine Learning

Some of the most used platforms to spread ideas nowadays are Twitter and Medium (you are here!). On Twitter, articles are normally posted including externa

Removing Docker Images, Containers, and Volumes with Ease

Removing Docker Images, Containers, and Volumes with EaseA Docker Cheat Sheet | April 24, 2017As of this write-up, I am currently using:Docker version 17.0

disable NetworkManager and boot on static ip configuration using /etc/network/interfaces

sta ifdown isa ip link emctl lin mas 8.0 down 1.stop and disable NetworkManager sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager sudo systemctl disable

Question Answering on Knowledge Bases and Text using Universal Schema and Memory Networks

來源: ACL2017短文 關鍵詞:imaging captioning; attention mechanism 原文 # Motivation mermaid graph LR

On SDK version 23 and up, your app data will be automatically backed up and restored on app install.

導致這樣的問題是你的menifest檔案中的application 中android:allowBackup=“true”; allowBackup安全風險描述: Android API Level 8及其以上Android系統提供了為應用程式資料的備份和恢復功能,此功能的開關決定於該應

HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way. ConnectionError

使用anaconda安裝scrapy是報錯:HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way. ConnectionError(ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnec

Stopping using console.log() and start using your browser’s debugger

How to stop using console.log() and start using your browser’s debuggerWhen I started my journey to become a software developer, I definitely ran into my f

Analyze and visualize your VPC network traffic using Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Athena

Network log analysis is a common practice in many organizations.  By capturing and analyzing network logs, you can learn how devices on your netwo

Access GSuite APIs on your domain using a service account

Access GSuite APIs on your domain using a service accountThis tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to creating a service account that has delegated domai

Django Development with Docker Compose and Machine

Docker is a containerization tool used for spinning up isolated, reproducible application environments. This piece details how to containerize a Django

7 Top Marketing and Sales Companies Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Mike Kaput is a senior consultant at PR 20/20 who is passionate about AI's potential to transform marketing. At PR 20/20, he creates measurable marketing r

New Google Assistant skill will turn on your lights, read you the news and brew your coffee

Google Assistant wants to help you get out of bed in the morning. The search giant has long given users the ability to set'routines,' or multiple tasks tha

Data Blocks: Hybrid OLTP and OLAP on Compressed Storage using both Vectorization and Compilation報告

This work aims at reducing the main-memory footprint in high performance hybrid OLTP & OLAP databases, whileretaining high query perfo

How to Normalize and Standardize Your Machine Learning Data in Weka

Tweet Share Share Google Plus Machine learning algorithms make assumptions about the dataset you

Spot Check Machine Learning Algorithms in R (algorithms to try on your next project)

Tweet Share Share Google Plus Spot checking machine learning algorithms is how you find the best

Quick and Dirty Data Analysis for your Machine Learning Problem

Tweet Share Share Google Plus A part of having a good understanding of the machine learning prob

Dialogs and alerts on Android using Anko and Kotlin

Creating alerts and dialogs on Android is a relatively simple task thanks to the builder, but due to the verbosity of the language it usually becomes

How to Layout and Manage Your Machine Learning Project

Tweet Share Share Google Plus Project layout is critical for machine learning projects just as i

Save And Finalize Your Machine Learning Model in R

Tweet Share Share Google Plus Finding an accurate machine learning is not the end of the project