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Integrating Systems of Record Applications with IBM Blockchain

In this week’s session we’ll demonstrate how an existing systems of record application can be enhanced to take advantage of IBM Blockchain’s security and data provenance.

We start with a motor insurance policy application that presents a 3270 green screen interface from CICS, and allows company employees to create new policies, entering vehicle make and model information manually.

Having joined a consortium using Hyperledger Fabric, and Hyperledger Composer, the application is modernized by taking advantage of z/OS Connect EE’s support to pull vehicle information from the Composer REST server. This data is then used when creating a new motor insurance policy, preventing mistakes on input and providing data provenance. A web frontend is presented using CICS Liberty, to deliver a better user experience.

Resources for you

About The Presenter

Chris Poole is an IBM Master Inventor, working on IBM Blockchain, IBM Z as a Service, and contributing to the open source Hyperledger project. Prior to this, he worked in the CICS development team, working in the CICS Asynchronous API, DevOps, and Cloud teams. He continues to develop and evangelise CICS microservices and DevOps technologies. Prior to joining the CICS team, he worked in the IBM API Connect development team, and developed software to administer DataPower appliances. He holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics.


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