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Explore the uses of IBM Blockchain Platform

The IBM Blockchain Platform is the only fully integrated enterprise-ready platform designed to accelerate the development, governance, and operation of a multi-institution business network. In this video, take a journey from the simplest application development all the way to a full implementataion of a blockchain business environment.

With the platform, you can develop apps using such features as:

  • Tools that use business terms to generate chaincode and smart contracts
  • Sample general and industry-specific use cases
  • Online, local, and shared development environments
  • A high level of integration with popular development environments using open developer tools
  • Hyperledger Composer, a set of collaboration tools for building business networks

For network governance and operations, you’ll find:

  • Activation tools for new networks, members, smart contracts, and transaction channels
  • A multi-party workflow tool with member activities panel, integrated notifications, and secure signature collection for policy voting
  • Always-on, high availability with seamless software and network updates
  • Hardened security stack with no privileged access
  • Built-in blockchain monitoring for full network visibility


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The Science of the Blockchain筆記(四)

認證的協定 上一篇:The Science of the Blockchain筆記(三)   拜占庭節點能就它們的輸入和接收到的訊息撒謊。能檢測出某些謊言並具有限制拜占庭節點的能力嗎?也許可以使用簽名來證實訊息的真實性。 利用認證的協定 證明.   假定主節點p不是拜占

The Science of the Blockchain筆記(三)

拜占庭協定   如同飛機上的感測器,系統一個節點即使崩潰也不會立即停止工作,他們有時會呈現出一種不穩定的狀態,行為表現為一種隨機的狀態。我們稱一個可能呈現任意行為的節點為拜占庭(Byzantine),該節點的表現包括以下形式: 根本不傳送任何訊息 向不同鄰居傳送不同且錯

The Science of the Blockchain筆記(二)

1、 情景分析   \qquad Alice想與Bob安排晚餐,由於他們都不願意使用手機的“通話”功能,她傳送簡訊建議在晚上6點

The Science of the Blockchain筆記(一)

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