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Modern mobile development

Deliver applications in a world where mobile is boundless, expected, and essential to success

Full-stack developers recognize that nearly every application they build will almost certainly have a mobile component. Modern mobile apps rely on APIs, Cloud back-ends, and cloud processing. Developers want to build once, deploy everywhere, test once for all platforms, and update dynamically and with ease. Mobile is expected from consumers, and developers who can rapidly deliver can empower their companies.

In the news…

Why Watson for CoreML?

Integrating AI in everyday enterprise and consumer applications is steadily becoming the new normal. Read about scenarios where this is being applied with mobile today.

Server Side Swift Update for WWDC

Swift on the Server continues to evolve rapidly, with new capabilities, and language parity with iOS development. Check out the latest from

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iOS App Development – Easier on IBM Cloud

Avoid digging through documentation and managing cloud settings with new approaches to iOS app integration with IBM Cloud.


Modern mobile development

Deliver applications in a world where mobile is boundless, expected, and essential to success Full-stack developers recognize that nearly every applica

AWS Mobile gets Amplified: A new home for modern app development

In November 2017, we launched AWS Amplify, initially an open-source JavaScript library that makes it easier to develop cloud-connected mobile and

Mobile Development with C#:Building Native iOS, Android, and Windows Phone Applications

Mobile Development with C#, 該書詳細介紹使用C#開發跨平臺移動應用,基於Mono平臺,使用.Net開發語言,開發多移動平臺應用,iOS,Android,Windows Phone。 書籍下載

Why working with a mobile development agency is better than with a freelancer?

Now it’s time to witness 3 short battlefields to find out who is going to be “just right” for your app idea: a bunch of mobile freelancers or a mobile agen

Mobile Development != Mobile Development

Over the last year, we’ve grown Keepsafe Photo Vault from a technically simple app that imports photos from your camera roll into a sophisticated product t

Modern Qt Development: The Top 10 Tools You Should Be Using

Why is using the right tool for the job so important? Efficiency and results are two reasons that

Linux mobile development & HTML5 Games/App

這幾天琢磨寫一個Android的Runtime用來加速HTML5 Canvas,讓GameBuilder+CanTK 不但開發速度快,執行速度也能接近原生應用。所以花了點時間研究 Android ND

Modern Application Development

Companies are increasingly building products that are the technology itself or heavily influenced by technology. In order to be more competitiv

AWS Marketplace: Moovweb Mobile Development SDK

Moovweb Mobile Development SDK

With the development of modern science

hrthrhdigital display technology will be used everywhere. mattress machine With the integration of digital signage network and multimedia technology, lcd a

Mobile App Development: Cross Platform Dev Tools

Nearly every app you build will use services external to the mobile device. Whether it’s from in the cloud or on-premise systems, modern cross pl

Native Mobile App Development

For native application, the developer uses a programming language and an integrated development environment designed specifically to produce appl

Mobile Application Development

The mobile front-end is the visual and interactive part of the application the user sees and works with. It usually resides on the device itself,

Mobile game development

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